
AUTHOR: SegaSoft RELEASE: 1996 TYP: Action SPIELER: 3 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 90€

Vier genmutierte Geeks haben die transdimensionalen Tore zur Wirklichkeit aufgestoßen und einen Haufen chaotischer Zwergenorks gerufen, um sie aus den Fängen ihres wahnsinnigen Entführers zu retten. Laufen Sie mit bis zu drei Spielern in über 20 wilden Welten amok und zeigen Sie einigen der freakigsten Bosse der Videospielgeschichte, was ´ne Harke ist.

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SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 11/1996: [Grafik: 69% Sound: 82% Gesamt: 78%]
Seitlich scrollender Prügelspaß mit dezenter Innovation und viel Humor garniert, jedoch nicht immer fair.
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Originally a game for Sega Saturn, TDD was a side scrolling action game with an interesting plot. Genetically altered „superkids“ playing D&D open a portal that allows their „alter-egos“ (the three dirty dwarves of the title) to enter our world and try to rescue the kids from their evil Army Base captivity. Once the Dwarves arrive, they ransack the local „armory“ (a sporting good store) for weapons and set off the rescue the kids. Of course, the portal let in a number of fantasy bad guys too, and they must be squashed on the way… The main game mechanic allows the player to switch between each dwarf and uses it's special attack (baseball bat and baseballs, bowling pins and bowling balls, and a shotgun.) There is another „DwarfMorph“ attack were the dwarves act as one. The graphic art style of the game evoked feeling of underground comics. www.Mobygames.com

Three Dirty Dwarves is a side scroller, much like many we've seen before, but with a few twists. One of the things that makes this game different from other kill-everything-you-see games is that your opponents come at you from all directions in all different shapes and sizes. Three Dirty Dwarves takes a step beyond attacking from 'in front' and 'in back' and attacks you from the bottom, from both sides, from the scenery and from out-of-nowhere! I mean, there's nothing more shocking than being attacked by a guy that just jumped out of the background building. Or, being grabbed and choked by a hand from the depths of New York's sewer system. […] Although this game is very interesting in regards to content, its visuals and sound are like a walk back in time. The sound effects are generally interesting and at points, highly amusing. The music, however, needs a little more variety. Don't get me wrong, the music sounds fine, nice and loud on a surround sound stereo, but it does get old quickly. However, you can always turn down the volume and continue playing without any problems. With all the new and innovative visual effects around these days you would think our heroes would be more aesthetically appealing. But, our heroes and their surroundings lack the „polished off“ look that we Sega Saturn owners are used to. Now to the big question: Should I buy this game? If you're into great sound and visual effects – you should save your money. If there are two people playing or if you just love side scrollers – this could be a fun game if you don't mind a little abuse. Unfortuantely, at its core, Three Dirty Dwarves has nothing truly new. It is a challenging game, but I would save my money for a one with a little more technological edge. www.GameRevolution.com

How many games out there boast co-op play with three people? Yeah, not very many. Why would you not use a multi tap to its full potential; only utilizing three of your now available four ports? This isn't the only problem I had with Three Dirty Dwarves, a game I wanted oh so much to love. Taking control of three sports-crazy dwarves on a quest to save some children from the mysterious enemy, Three Dirty Dwarves can be played with one, two, or three players. An interesting aspect of this game is found in its not having a health meter, per se. While playing, if a character is hit by an enemy he becomes unconscious. Hitting the shoulder buttons cycles through your characters, and once you select a conscious player you simply whack the stricken character and you regain the ability to use him. I have found it much easier to play with a maximum of two people, as you always have at least one other person at the ready to smack your unconscious player back to life. This is a unique device, but in the midst of battle it's hard to keep reviving your fallen characters. If all three of your dwarves are unconscious, that's game, and you're forced to sit through another ungodly long load screen. That is a major annoyance. […] While the animation is smooth, and the three very different attacks between the three characters are employed well, the overall package is nothing spectacular. You'll have to look elsewhere to get your three-player fix on. I don't know where, but elsewhere. www.DefunctGames.com


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