AUTHOR: SEGA RELEASE: 1996 TYP: 3D Action SPIELER: 2 LEVEL: 30 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 36€ / 17€

Wenn Träume sich in unheimliche Alpträume verwandeln, können nur Sie Nightopia noch vor dem Wahnsinn retten. Bizarres, künstliches Leben, traumhaft flüssige Grafiken und superschnelle, freie Bewegungen im 3D-Echtzeitraum versetzen Sie in ein atemberaubendes Abenteuer. In diesem Traum ist alles möglich!

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SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 9/1996: [Grafik: 96% Sound: 89% Gesamt: 97%]
Brilliante 3D-Welten mit rasantem Scrolling, perfekten Animationen und detailreichen Gegnern, wie man sie noch nie auf irgendeiner Konsole gesehen hat. Nights ist das mit Abstand innovativste Spiel weit und breit. Wer einmal dem Zauber von Nights, Claris und Elliot erlegen ist, wird wochenlang beschäftigt sein.
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It all started about two young kids. First there is this boy named Elliot Edwards who loves to play basketball, but then he was humiliated in front of his friends by a group of older kids who wants to play in a „friendly“ game. Then there is Claris Sinclair, she loves to sing, but when she step on the stage, she felt so nervous that she ran out to the exit like a coward. NiGHTS was a first class Maren together with Reala. They were both created by Wizeman. As day pass by, NiGHTS notice how his master becoming so evil. So when he started to refuse on obeying his master's evil deeds, Wizeman punished him by locking him up into an Ideya Palaces. But NiGHTS found out that he has a chance to escape his prison by combining his body to a human dreamer. Those dreamers were Elliot and Claris. He also found out that those two have a Red Ideya within them. As he finally free himself out of the Ideya Palace, he will find Wizeman and destory him with the help of Elliot and Claris. Here you basically control Elliot, Claris and Nights. You start a level by choosing Elliot and Claris. Gameplay is similar to Sonic but unique in a way that it is best to use the special D-pad. As you fly through the levels you should pass through a certain number of loop rings to finish each level. You gain bonuses by dancing which can be easily achieved by using a D-pad.


sat/nights_into_dreams.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2012/01/26 01:35 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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