---- ^[[sat:c|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE C]]^ {{sat:logo_croc.jpg}} ---- **AUTHOR: ** Argonaut / FOX **RELEASE:** 1997 **TYP:** [[sat:Jump & Run]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** 42 **SPRACHE:** Eng **WERT:** 10€ ---- Helfen Sie Croc, dem kleinen Krokodil, seine friedliebenden Gobbo-Freunde vor dem Zauberer Baron Dante zu retten! Begleiten Sie ihn durch das Abenteuer in einer toll gerenderten 3D-Umgebung, die absolute Bewegungsfreiheit bietet, und bekämpfen Sie den bösen Baron und seine heimtückischen Helfer, die Dantinis. 5 verschiedene 3D-Welten: Vulkane, Gletscher, Sandwüsten und Unterwasser! Mehr als 40 Level, jede Menge Gegner und 8 Endgegner! Laufen, springen, klettern und schwimmen Sie in diesem sensationell gerenderten Echtzeit-3D-Game! {{sat:klein_croc_01.jpg?200}} {{sat:klein_croc_02.jpg?200}} {{sat:klein_croc_03.jpg?200}} {{sat:klein_croc_04.jpg?200}} {{sat:klein_croc_05.jpg?200}} {{sat:klein_croc_06.jpg?200}} {{sat:klein_croc_07.jpg?200}} {{sat:klein_croc_08.jpg?200}} ---- ^Presse^ - ^Files^ - ^Codes^ - ^Kommentare^ //For one of the first 3D platform games of the 32 bit era, the game does play pretty darn well. The levels are not big and open, like in Mario 64 or Spyro, but are rather made up of smaller, enclosed areas and random floating platforms (above large bottomless pits). Croc himself does feel a little ’slippy’ at times, making sharp turns can be awkward. Also due to Croc ’slipping’ some precision jumps become mighty annoying. This becomes even worse when you reach the ice levels. The gameplay can also start to get boring at times, even though they have very different settings and locals, the levels do feel very similar and play starts to drag somewhat. Again for an early 3D title, the graphics are good. Lots of bright colours and good textures, although, due to it being an early 3D 32bit title, you do get a fair amount of blocky objects, plus some glitchy and grainy graphics. The music is generally light hearted- but what else would you expect from a cute, cartoony style platform game? The sound effects are good, just not amazing. The similar grunts and painful yelps that you get with many platform characters are all there. One thing that can be said, is that the game is pretty well presented. Easy to follow menu systems, bright, colourful, eye-catching menus which no doubt will draw many younger gamers to play. Worth Buying now? Yes. The game may feel a little dated now, and compared to all the 3D titles around these days, it’s not so impressive. But the gameplay hold up really well and it is such a gem of a title. If you can find it. Get it!// www.SEGANerds.com ---- {{sat:sat_croc1500.jpg?833}} ----