---- ^[[megadrive:z|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE Z]]^ {{megadrive:logo_zero.jpg}} ---- **AUTHOR: **Accolade / Zyrinx **RELEASE:** 1994 **TYP:** [[megadrive:else|Shooter]] **SPIELER:** 2 **LEVEL:** 40 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **WERT:** 5€ ---- Zero Tolerance: Mit den Gegnern, die dich dort draußen erwarten, hast du kein Erbarmen. Sie stehen dir im Weg und deshalb mußt du der Bessere sein. Die 3-D-Perspektive läßt dir keine Zeit für lange Vorbereitungen. Jetzt heißt es, Sieger oder Besiegter zu sein. Deine Waffen kannst du aus einem großen Arsenal auswählen. Von Lasern über Bazookas, von Granaten bis hin zu Gewehren ist alles vorhanden! Jetzt kannst du es den Außerirdischen mal zeigen. [...] {{megadrive:klein_zero1.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_zero2.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_zero3.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_zero4.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_zero5.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_zero6.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_zero7.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_zero8.gif?232}} ---- ^Presse^ **SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 10/1994:** [Grafik: 87% Sound: 81% Gesamt: 87%] \\ // Zero Tolerance ist ultraschwer, allerdings enorm abwechslungsreich, voller guter Ideen und einzigartig auf dem Mega Drive. Im Zwei-Spieler-Modus läuft dieses Spiel zur Hochform auf. // \\ {{md_zero_segamag.zip|kompletten Artikel runterladen}} ^Files^ [[http://project2612.org/details.php?id=111/|{{Original Soundtrack}}]] [[http://www.good-old-times.com/in_vgm034.zip|{{(WinAmp PlugIn)}}]] \\ ^Codes^ ^ Level ^ Password ^ | Docking Bay 1 | LFr8vtKug | | Docking Bay 2 | DDq8*tLng | | Engineering 1 | HFr8*tLng | | Engineering 2 | HHoduvNng | | Engineering 3 | ?rvd-vPn4 | | Engineering 4 | bDq*-vOvT | | Green House 1 | V86*CrP!2 | | Green House 2 | GLq*-vPv2 | | Green House 3 | ?r)*u*rrk | | Bridge 1 | DDq8vNLng | | Bridge 2 | TPu8uvLgK | | Reactor 1 | PFr*-vKqx | | Reactor 2 | HDq*-vKqx | | High Rise Rooftop | NUq8uPKgR | | High Rise Floor 164 | Rzr5uPxvM | | High Rise Floor 163 | aHqXuvDmE | | High Rise Floor 162 | OvK7C8?vK | | High Rise Floor 161 | GLo7CrHv! | | High Rise Floor 160 | ?rpQsrHv7 | | High Rise Floor 159 | TLFX/oxkQ | | High Rise Floor 158 | E*hUt)Bk7 | | High Rise Floor 157 | cLtXtox!7 | | High Rise Floor 156 | Tr)5--Dr! | | High Rise Floor 155 | ?Pr5--Dr! | | High Rise Floor 154 | GrozCoHpj | | High Rise Floor 153 | GLpUsoHhj | | High Rise Floor 152 | ?ro5--?FQ | | High Rise Floor 151 | TLFXCoxo7 | | Sub Basement 1 | MLFXtxBh/ | | Sub Basement 2 | Tr)*4-?n! | | Sub Basement 3 | TLp*7o?tk | | Sub Basement 4 | crod!o?sE | | Sub Basement 5 | cLJ*4-?vj | | Sub Basement 6 | Dnpdmu)v5 | | Sub Basement 7 | KLLbm-NmQ | | Sub Basement 8 | Orrf!oN!7 | | Sub Basement 9 | WLRd2a)kQ | | Sub Basement 10 | 8b*2APo! | | Sub Basement 11 | KLa*w60ip | | Sub Basement 12 | Gn9by6Npt | ^Kommentare^ //The space station Europe-1 has been overrun by aliens. During one of the fights the nuclear cooling system has been damaged, resulting in a meltdown within hours. Your mission, as a team of five of the toughest persons in the Corps, is to infiltrate and gain control of Europe-1. You must sweep the entire station clean of aliens. One of a few first-person-shooters on this console. It is required that you kill every single alien on each of the levels (hence the name). The five members of your team, who have different skills, start out with different weapons, are your five chances of seeing this through. This adds a level of strategy to the game.// www.Mobygames.com //As your dropship screams toward the strangely silent space outpost Europe-1, your commander briefs you on the mission ahead. Your detatchment of the Planetary Defense Corps has been called in to find out who attacked the station, and (more importantly) if they're still around. You won't have much time to find out, though - Europe-1's nuclear reactor was damaged in the firefight, and it's building towards a meltdown that will incinerate the entire station. That said, you gather your gear and debark through the boarding dock, anxious at what lies ahead.... The only real Wolfenstein 3D clone in existence for the MegaDrive, but this offers strategy far beyond Wolf3D. It's way too long, though, and it tends to get tedious before you're halfway through - especially when you have to hunt down EVERY single monster to advance to the next level - hence the title. The Zero Tolerance games have been put into the public domain by Zyrinx on the sole condition that they can only be distributed in their original unmodified form. //www.GenesisProject-Online.com ---- {{megadrive:md_zero1500.jpg?966}} ----