AUTHOR: OCEAN / Team 17 RELEASE: 1996 TYP: Geschicklichkeit SPIELER: 4 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 25€

Wir alle sind Würmer. Handeln wir also wie Würmer! Laß Deine Freunde in den Tiefen der Marsbrühe versinken oder laß sie in den Lavagruben des Hades schmoren. Bring Deine Schlauheit ein in den absoluten Mißbrauch von Strategie und Anstand des am meisten süchtig machenden Spiels aller Zeiten, das Würmer heißt!


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 2/1996: [Grafik: 56% Sound: 54% Gesamt: 87%]
Kluge Spielidee mit vielen taktischen Möglichkeiten, insbesondere bei mehreren Mitspielern äußerst spaßig. Vier solide gezeichnete Szenarien, lustige, lupengroße Würmer als Spielfiguren.
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You command a smallish army staffed with worms trained for various duties. Your object is to fight a war, and your goal is to be the last worm left crawling…. A rather intriguing strategy game with a tongue-in-cheek sense of humor that proved to be quite popular. Think of it as a mix of Lemmings and Cannon Fodder.

Worms is a strategy game for the masses, featuring up to 4 teams of 4 worms, aiming to destroy the others on a generated terrain. They are armed with a wide range of weapons - the standard ones as bazookas (which is affected by (random) wind settings and gravity) and grenades (which are affected only by gravity), both of which can score up to 50 points of damage (default energy for each worm is 100). The others include a Fire Punch, dynamite, air strikes, and utilities such as ropes and girders. There are 10 styles of terrain, ranging from forests and deserts to Candy land and the moon (complete with affected gravity). Shots leave craters in the ground, and complex tunnels can be formed. Play is turn-based, so each player must make their move and shot before time runs out - be careful to choose a sheltered area to leave the worm.


megadrive/worms.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2017/09/13 11:44 von altersegahase
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