AUTHOR: SEGA RELEASE: 1992 TYP: 3rd-Person Racing SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 10€

Schnallen Sie sich im Cockpit an, und bereiten Sie sich auf die spannenste Video-Action vor, die Sie je erlebt haben! Ayrton Senna´s Super Monaco GP II bietet atemberaubende Geschwindigkeiten, brutale Strecken und erbarmungslose Konkurrenz des echten Formel-1-Rennsports!


Gamers 3/1992: [Grafik: 2 Sound: 2- Note: 2]
Leicht erweiterte Version des Bestsellers, flotte Grafik, komplexes Spielprinzip, Batterie.
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original_soundtrack winamp_plugin




Ayrton Senna won the Monaco Grand Prix six times, as well as 3 Formula One world championships, so he was the perfect man to license a hone sequel to the classic arcade racing game. As before, the action is viewed form within the cockpit, but depicted using sprites rather than polygons. This version features the chance to practice, or do quick races on three circuits, including Interlagos in Brazil, or run the full world championship. Each race lasts for 3 laps, with a 16 car grid. Your starting position is determined by a one-lap preliminary race. - www.Mobygames.com

Decent graphics, a well-thought out range of options, and simple yet effective gameplay. There are flasher racing sims, and there are ones with better gameplay, but few have been able to strike a happy balance between those two points. Super Monaco Grand Prix does that, and so does this sequel to a somewhat lesser extent. This set new standards in Genesis racing sims that would be surpassed by only a select handful of titles. - www.GenesisProject-Online.com
