AUTHOR: SEGA / Traveller's Tales RELEASE: 1996 TYP: Jump & Run SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 7 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 40€

Der schnellste Igel der Welt ist wieder da… in einer 3D-Grafik-Sensation, wie es auf 16 Bit noch keine gab! Findet und führt die Flickies in die Freiheit! Sieben komplexe 3D-Welten mit haufenweise versteckten Bonuslevels, unzähligen Power-Ups und ganzen Scharen goldener Ringe wollen bezwungen werden. Am Ende aller Abenteuer: Der listigste Dr. Robotnik, den es je gab. Nur für Asse geeignet!




original_soundtrack winamp_plugin


Level Select
Drückt, sobal der Satz „Press Start“ erscheint, B, A, Right, A, C, Up, Down, A, Start. Das Auswahlmenü erscheint, sobald Ihr das Spiel startet.

Level Skip
Aktiviert den „Level Select“ Cheat. Während des Spielst müsst Ihr nun nur noch pausieren und einmal A drücken, um ein Level zu überspringen.


In Sonic 3D Blast, also known as Flicky's Island in Europe, Sonic travels to the island of the Flickies to save them from Dr. Robotnik - in part inspired by old Sega platform arcade game Flicky. The first game in the Sonic series to make use of an isometric perspective, which takes a lot of adjustment for fans of the series. Once you have mastered the control method though there's a solid game in here, well worth the initial frustration as Sonic bounces haphazardly all over the place!

While visiting Flicky Island, Sonic notices that the Flckies, his small, feathered friends, were captured and turned into badniks (the robot enemies of Sonic) by Dr. Robotnik in his never ending quest for the Chaos Emeralds, as they live and are able to travel between parallel worlds. Seven levels separate Sonic from the final showdown with Robotnik. Sonic 3D was the last Sonic title released for the Mega Drive, the only platforming presence of the blue blur in the Sega Saturn and one or the rare presences in Personal Computers. The title, considering the era it was released, is somewhat misleading, as instead of full blown 3D graphics it uses an isometric view where Sonic can move not only forwards and backwards, but also left and right. Gameplay is much slower when compared to other games in the series, and the number of badniks is reduced to five on each section. As usual, when Sonic destroys one badnik, one creature leaps free from it's insides, but this time Sonic has to pick him up and lead them to an interdimensional ring. While they can be taken one by one, exploring the level with all five allow the player to reach for otherwise inaccessible continue tokens. Unlike all other previous games, time isn't a requirement: if the player completes a level in more than 10 minutes, it would only mean there would be no time bonus at the end. Finally, to collect all seven Chaos Emeralds, Sonic first must find Tails or Knuckles and offer them at least 50 rings.


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