AUTHOR: Infogrames / Virtual Studio RELEASE: 1996 TYP: Jump & Run SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: GER - ENG - FR WERT: 40€

Der Neugierschlumpf und Schlumpfine haben den Zauberkristall zerbrochen und wurden dadurch in die verschiedensten Weltgegenden verschlumpft. Sammle alle Kristalle auf deinem Weg ein. Du wirst sie Seehunden am Nordpol, Indianern in Nordamerika und Kraken im Meer abluchsen müssen. Wenn du all diese Gefahren und viele mehr überstanden hast, kannst du wohlverdient ins Dorf zurückschlumpfen.








Night falls at the Smurf Village. Inquisitive Smurf brings Smurfette along to Papa Smurfs' laboratory to see the Magic Crystal that allows them to travel to anywhere in the world, but suddenly Smurfette breaks it, and they are gone! Now they must face the challenges in all continents in order to retrieve all shards of the Crystal and return home. A classic platformer, this title allows the player to choose between Inquisitive Smurf and Smurfette (there are no differences between characters) and collect all 10 shards scattered on the playfield. There is a larger emphasis on exploring the levels rather than killing enemies (no score is given for them), so they can be avoided in most occasions, but if the needs arise, be dealt with a kick or in Mario fashion by jumping over them. Some shards can only be obtained by jumping on an enemy, using the sprint jump or using the scenario (ropes, or vines). While large falls don't harm the Smurfs, improper contact with enemies does. Each 1-up has four hearts, and at the fifth contact a life is lost and the player must restart the level. Once all lives are lost, the game is over - there are no continues. To fill the meter there are hearts and small Smurf icons scattered or hidden somewhere in the level, and on all stages there's a key that unlocks a bonus level if all three are collected at the end of the continent. In these bonus levels the player collects as much objects as possible which translate into hearts when the time closes. If the player fills the meter, a 1-up is awarded. www.Mobygames.com

Now you can relive the magic and wonder of the cute little blue guys, created by the Belgian artist Peyo, in this series of arcade games for the MegaDrive. The Smurfs live in the forest and pretty much smurf to themselves, except when that nasty wizard Gargamel takes it upon himself to smurf with them. Each smurf has his own talent except for Smurfette, but she doesn't need one - she's the only female Smurf in the whole village! Now that you have the frame, you can smurf the picture by smurfing the games. In The Smurfs 2 - Smurf Around the World, Nosy Smurf and Smurfette mess around in Papa Smurf's magic supplies and get sent on a worldwide tour - this time riund you get to choose either Nosy Smurf or Smurfette as your character. Like Disney's platformers, these games are every bit as good graphically, but even more sparsely populated with enemies and less fun to play. www.GenesisProject-Online.com
