AUTHOR: Westwood / Virgin RELEASE: 1994 TYP: Jump & Run SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 14 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 12€

Schlüpfen Sie in die Rolle von Simba und erleben Sie 10 aufregende Level, in denen Sie vom Löwenbaby zum Löwenkönig heranwachsen, bis Sie schließlich dem bösen Onkel Scar gegenübertreten. Kämpfen Sie gegen die Hyänen auf dem Friedhof der Elefanten. In fantastischer 3D-Grafik weichen Sie den trampelden Hufen der Wildtiere aus. Spielen Sie den Bonuslevel als Simbas Freunde Pumbaa und Timon.


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 12/1994: [Grafik: 88% Sound: 84% Gesamt: 88%]
Nach Aladdin und Das Dschungelbuch ein klarer weiterer Disney-Hit. Perfekte Umsetzung, umfangreich, spielerisch originell, mehr als nur ein Jump & Run.
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original_soundtrack winamp_plugin


Drücke im Optionsmenü Right, A, A, B, Start.

Drücke im Optionsmenü Right, A, B, C, Start.


Now you can experience the magic and wonder of the movie, in which Simba the lion must come of age and regain the rule of the veldt, unlawfully usurped by his conniving uncle. Based on the hit animated Disney feature film, which was an unabashed in-your-face direct rip-off of the classic anime movie Jungle Emperor (i.e. Kimba the White Lion) by legendary Japanese anime sensei Osuma Tezuka. Excellent animation, with your choice of two characters to play (cub and later adult Simba). Potentially frustrating in later rounds, and the ending isn't worth the effort - except in saying that you beat this game.

Following the same plot as the Disney movie by the same name. The Lion King puts you in the role of Simba, a lion cub whose main weapons are sharp claws and a mighty roar. Young Simba just can't wait to be king. His father is the current King of the Savannah and the young prince is able to frolic the lands at will; jumping on and around other subjects of this animal kingdom. When King Mufasa is killed and Scar takes over the kingdom, Simba is banished from the lands of his birthright and has to grow up fast, honing his skills, for the day of his return.




megadrive/lion_king.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/08/02 22:39 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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