Sie leben als Jungritter David im Reich des Königs Friedrich. Doch Ihr beschauliches, mittelalterliches Dorf wird von einem furchtbaren Fluch heimgesucht. Wer oder was steckt dahinter? Sie ziehen los, um das Geheimnis zu lüften. Setzen Sie Ihre wirbelnde Klinge, aber auch Köpfchen ein. Dutzende vertrackter Räsel und zahllose üble Zeitgenossen warten im riesigen Königreich. Hilfen und Hinweise liegen weit verstreut. Und immer wieder gibt es Überraschungen…


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 10/1995: [Grafik: 80% Sound: 76% Gesamt: 85%]
Logisch aufgebaute, detailreiche isometrische Grafik, realistisch anmutende Sprites. Viel Action, wenig Adventure: handwerklich sauberes Abenteuerspiel mit hohem Geschicklichkeitsanspruch.
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original_soundtrack winamp_plugin

Red OrbGeh auf Red, Yellow, Green und Blue.
Blue OrbRichte den Kompass nach North, East, West und South aus.
Green OrbBewege die Statuen wie folgt: Moon, Star, Dark Orb und Light Orb.

In an age of heroes and adventurers, a solitary knight named David has returned to find his hometown in turmoil. People have been disappearing and no one seems to know why. Being a noble warrior and a friend of the king and the people, David is appointed with the quest of finding the missing people and stopping the horror that ravages the town folk. Armed with a sword, the four elemental magics, and his wits, David must travel to the depths below the town to stop goblins, a renegade wizard's guild, and numerous monstrous bosses before his job is done. An average-looking title. The gameplay could have been better, but you won't be disappointed if you like RPGs.

In „Light Crusader“, you play the role of Sir David, a knight in the service of King Frederick. You are sent to the town Green Row to help your king's brother, King Weeden, to discover what has caused the mysterious disappearance of his town people. You must enter and explore huge dungeons in order to find out about an ancient story that has happened many years ago, and to face evil forces who threaten the land. „Light Crusader“ is an isometric action/puzzle adventure with RPG elements, along the lines of Landstalker. You can talk to townspeople, buy weapons and items, etc. You spend most of the game in dungeons, which are populated by enemies (whom you fight in real-time combat), and which are full of various types of traps and puzzles. You'll often have to jump to access higher levels or platforms, push switches and other objects to help you advance, and solve various physical puzzles.


megadrive/light_crusader.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/08/24 00:07 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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