AUTHOR: Domark / Time Warner RELEASE: 1994 TYP: 3rd-Person Racing SPIELER: 2 LEVEL: 15 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 3€
Werden Sie Mitglied im legendären „Team Green“ von Kawasaki. Mit der ZXR750R tragen Sie auf den aufregensten Rennstrecken der Welt den Kampf um den Weltmeistertitel in der 750CC-Superbike-Klasse aus. Die enge Zusammenarbeit mit Kawasaki bei Entwicklung dieser Rennsimulation gewährleistet Genauigkeit und Realitätstreue. Kawasaki Superbikes - das Motorradrennspiel, das die Konkurrenz spielend hinter sich läßt.
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SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 2/1995: [Grafik: 76% Sound: 61% Gesamt: 74%]
Als Domark vor über einem Jahr F1 veröffentlichte, war die Begeisterung groß. Schnellere Grafik und gutes Gameplay überzeugten. Die fast identische Motorradvariante hat nun allerdings einen schweren Stand gegen Virtua Racing & Co.
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Kawasaki Superbike Challenge is a motorcycle racing game that uses the same engine as F1. It includes 14 standard-length race tracks, plus the Suzuka 8 Hours endurance race, available in both training and Championship modes. The game is unlicensed (except by Kawasaki), so all riders and teams are fictional. The game now has more polygonal roadside objects than F1, and there is still a Turbo mode, allowing for faster racing at the expense of some of the detail. You have the ability to turn on or off weather (during rainy days the graphics are darker and the bike has less traction). The number of laps on each course can be 5, 10 or 15, and there are 4 skill levels. Some changes have been made to how the vehicle handles, to emphasize the switch from cars to bikes.
Ever wanted to drive one of those superfast racing bikes? Here's your chance, with this excellent polygonal moto-racer from the creators of the F1 World Championship series. WOW!!! That's about all I can say. I didn't expect this game to be so addicitive. The graphics aren't that great, but the gameplay and sound effects really shine through, you can almost feel the g-force when you accelerate! If you don't have this game, then you're missing out.