---- ^[[megadrive:g|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE G]]^ {{megadrive:logo_gods.gif}} ---- **AUTHOR: ** Bitmap Brothers / Accolade **RELEASE:** 1993 **TYP:** [[megadrive:else|Jump & Shoot]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** 4 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **WERT:** 20€ ---- Um dir als Herkules deinen Platz unter den Unsterblichen zu sichern, mußt du deinen ganzen Verstand einsetzen. Erforsche phantastische Tempel, verlorene Städte, versteckte Unterwelten und verzwickte Labyrinthe, die von intelligenten und äußerst gerissenen Widersachern bewacht werden. Die gesamte Aufgabe wird dem Grad deiner Geschicklichkeit angepaßt, und der mitreißende Rhythmus des Bitmap Brothers-Soundtracks begleitet jeden deiner Schritte. Probiere alles aus, denn es gibt zahllose Möglichkeiten, einen Level zu bewältigen. GODS - ein Spiel mit Verstand. {{megadrive:klein_gods1.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_gods2.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_gods3.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_gods4.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_gods5.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_gods6.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_gods7.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_gods8.gif?232}} ---- ^Presse^ **GAMERS Ausgabe 1/1994:** [Grafik: 1- Sound: 4+ Gesamt: 2+] \\ //Tolle atmosphärische Grafiken, super Waffen, einfallsreich und fair.//\\ {{md_gods_gamers.zip|kompletten Artikel runterladen}} ^Files^ [[http://project2612.org/details.php?id=244/|{{Original Soundtrack}}]] [[http://www.good-old-times.com/in_vgm034.zip|{{(WinAmp PlugIn)}}]] \\ ^Codes^ ^ Level ^ Password ^ | 1 | NASHWAN | | 2 | COYOTE | | 3 | FOXX | ^Kommentare^ //Play the man in the mask running about ancient Greece, duking it out with the local monster population as you strive to complete your quest. There are three things you come to expect with a Bitmap Brothers game - great graphics, a driving musical score, and truly wild gameplay. This has all three in spades, which means even jaded platform freaks won't get bored too quickly. Another triumph for the Bitmap Brothers, and another excellent port from the almighty Amiga.// www.GenesisProject-Online.com //Hercules is aiming to achieve immortality by completing the task the Gods have set him. His task is presented as a platform adventure set in ancient Greece, featuring a variety of enemies as you play it through. Of more significance, however, is the game's Artificial Intelligence system, in which creatures monitor how you play, and try to find safer positions. Also, the game offers more bonuses and power-ups if you're struggling to progress. Even without those, there are lots of bonus sections to find and unlock.// www.Mobygames.com ---- {{megadrive:md_gods1500.jpg?966}} ----