
AUTHOR: Psygnosis / Vic Tokai RELEASE: 1994 TYP: Jump & Run SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 52 SPRACHE: Deutsch WERT: 130€

Schwarze Wolken ziehen sich über Imagica Island zusammen! Wicked Wainwright hat die Macht übernommen! Nur der Zauberlehrling Flink kann die Situation noch retten! Im Rennen um die Befreiung der Insel gilt es, fürchterliche Bösewichte zu bekämpfen und in Flinks Hexenkessel wundersame Zauber zu brauen. Flink, das irre Spiel mit den tollen Grafiken, ist absolut zauberhaft.


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 11/1994: [Grafik: 88% Sound: 78% Gesamt: 86%]
Unglaublich farbenfroh, sehr detailliert, äußerst abwechslungsreich. Unfaßbar für ein 8 MBit-Modul. Ein liebevoll gemachtes Jump & Run voller witziger Ideen, das sich in der Elite-Klasse direkt neben Sonic & Knuckles, Dynamite Headdy und Mickey Mania einreiht.
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Drückt im Hauptmenü „runter“ + „Start“. Lass „runter“ los und drücke nun 4x rechts, 4x links, 3x rechts, 3x links, 2x rechts, 2x links, rechts, links.


Flink, an apprentice wizard, is appointed by the people of his island to rescue their four elders from the hands of the Demon Guardians, servants of the sinister Wicked Wainwright. The boys from Scotland do their own impression of a Wonderboy clone, and it's a pretty good one at that. The only real complaint that I hear from the peanut gallery is that the color palette is too dark. - www.GenesisProject-Online.com

The Misadventures of Flink is a Jump'n Run set in the fantasy world of Imagica. The evil wizard Wicked Wainwright has captured the four elders and it is up to Flink, a wizard's apprentice, to set them free and defeat Wicked Wainwright. Apart from the usual platformer elements, the game has a unique feature: Flink's ability to create spells. Whenever the game is paused, Flink can combine three ingredients to create a spell. Ingredients can be collected throughout the game. They are usually carried around by a certain type of enemy or hidden in treasure chests. There are ten different spells, the „recipes“ which are contained in scrolls that are given to Flink by rescued elders or found within certain levels. The spells include different attack spells (for example a demon that accompanies Flink and attacks his enemies), a shield spell, a shrink spell, a quick grow spell that lets certain plants grow so that Flink can reach new areas of a level, magic keys that open locked treasure chests and more. Casting spells uses up magic energy that can be replenished by collecting magic bottles or defeating enemies. Similar to the Sonic games, when Flink is hit, he looses all of his magic energy and has only limited time to pick it up again. If he is hit while having no magic energy, he loses a life. - www.Mobygames.com


megadrive/flink_the_misadventures.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2016/07/17 13:42 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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