AUTHOR: New World Computing / E.A. RELEASE: 1991 TYP: RPG SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 50€

Suchen Sie in Burgen, Verliesen und Höhlen und erleben Sie 8 gefährlichen Abenteuer, jedes mit verknüpften Nebenhandlungen und Hinweisen für Ihren Kampf gegen den bösen Necromancer.








You play your pick of three brothers who sets out on a quest at the request of his village mayor to recover a sacred talisman. Ported from the classic Amiga RPG. One of the Amiga's better-known RPGs, the Genesis port does not have that silly manual-check copy-protection scheme, thank God. The graphics show their age rather badly and some might find the organ music irritating, but keep in mind this was the title that seems to have caused Lord British to retool the latter releases in the Ultima series of fantasy RPGs. www.GenesisProject-Online.com

Probably the title that Microillusions is best known for. You take on the role of three brothers wandering through the magical land of Holm. Real-time interaction reminiscent of Ultima 7. An extremely large world, touted at the time as the largest game world ever created, about 17,000 computer screens worth of terrain. www.Mobygames.com
