
AUTHOR: SEGA / Treasure RELEASE: 1994 TYP: Jump & Run SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 20 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 20€

Vorhang auf für Dynamite Headdy! Bisher hielt alle Welt diese Puppe mit „Köpfchen“ für Ausschuß, aber nun ist Headdy unterwegs, um seinen Wert zu beweisen. 14 abgefahrene, austauschbare Köpfe stehen zur Verfügung, wenn Sie sich schwingend, springend und beißend bis zum Schloß der bösen Puppe Dark Demon durchschlagen.


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 10/1994: [Grafik: 80% Sound: 81% Gesamt: 84%]
Bunt, bunter, Dynamite Headdy. Sehr abwechslungsreich und voller spektakulärer Effekte. Innovativ, technisch sauber und nahezu tadellos spielbar - Jump & Run-Herz, was willst du mehr?
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Im Titelbildschirm markiert „Options“ und drückt C, A, links, rechts, B, Start.


A great game in which you bop enemies with your head. Cutsey Sonic clone that, although it has some neat touches, ends up as being rather bizzare. It makes a nice change-of-pace for Sonic fans, but you definatly need a good D-Pad for this it's far too difficult using the keyboard! - www.GenesisProject-Online.com

Dynamite Headdy is a platformer… with a difference. You control a little character whos main attack comes from his disembodied head. Yes, years before Rayman appeared, we already had a hero who used detachable appendages to attack his enemies. Rather than the traditional power-ups, Dynamite Headdy enabled you to swap your head for different kinds - for example heads that could heal you or heads that would stick into walls. You had to use your head in order to climb up on platforms as well, as you could grab hold of things with it, and on certain stages of the Mega Drive version it was used to turn the game into a side-scrolling shooter, as you gained a propellor, jet or bird head. Basically however, Dynamite Headdy is just a traditional platformer with a twist - something for the platform fan who's looking for something a little different. - www.Mobygames.com
