---- ^[[megadrive:c|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE C]]^ {{megadrive:logo_coso.gif}} ---- **AUTHOR: **SEGA **RELEASE:** 1995 **TYP:** [[megadrive:Side-Scrolling Beat'em Up|Side-Scrolling Beat'em Up]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** 7 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **WERT:** 35€ ---- Merkwürdige Umstände halten Comic-Zeichner Sketch in den Seiten seines apokalyptischen Comics gefangen, und der Zeichenstift ist in der Gewalt seiner wohl fiesesten Schöpfung: Mortus. Arbeite dich langsam von Bild zu Bild und von Seite zu Seite vor, während Du schier übermächtigen Gegnern gegenüberstehst - auf Deiner Flucht aus der Comix Zone. {{megadrive:klein_coso1.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_coso2.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_coso3.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_coso4.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_coso5.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_coso6.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_coso7.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_coso8.gif?232}} ---- ^Presse^ **SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 9/1995:** [Grafik: 84% Sound: 74% Gesamt: 84%] \\ //Grafisch ansprechend gezeichnetes Comic-Ambiente, flüssige Animationen. Die Schlaggeräusche sind hörenswert, die Musiktracks sind nicht sonderlich abwechslungsreich.// Insgesamt: //Hochgradig motivierendes Comic-Drama mit einfallsreichen Prügel/Denkspiel-Einlagen. // \\ {{md_coso_segamag.zip|kompletten Artikel runterladen}} ^Files^ [[http://project2612.org/details.php?id=12/|{{Original Soundtrack}}]] [[http://www.good-old-times.com/in_vgm034.zip|{{(WinAmp PlugIn)}}]] \\ [[http://www.guns-clan.de/files/md_comix_zone.zip|{{Speedrun by xoinx}}]] [[http://www.good-old-times.com/ffdshow.exe|{{(Video Codec)}}]] \\ ^Codes^ **Unbesiegbarkeit** \\ Drücke C bei den Sounds 3, 12, 17, 2, 2, 10, 2, 7, 7, 11 in der Jukebox. **Levelauswahl** \\ Drücke C bei den Sounds 14, 15, 18, 5, 13, 1, 3, 18, 15, 6 in der Jukebox. Nun wähle eine Zahl und bestätige mit C. **Super Player** \\ Drücke C bei den Sounds 1, 3, 5, 6, 3, 9, 6, 4, 9, 5 in der Jukebox. Starte das Spiel. Nun pausiere und drücke schnell A, C, B, B, A, C, C,, A, B, A, L, Right, Right, A, B, B, C, Left, Up, Down, A. ^Kommentare^ //Sketch Turner was a starving comic book artist, living with his pet rat Roadkill... that is until a lightning storm mysteriously brought his cartoon villain, Mortus, to life and imprisoned Sketch within the pages of his own comic book. Now trapped in the world that he himself created, but someone else is now drawing, Sketch must battle through the pages of his own comic book, and past his own creations, to a final battle with Mortus. Perhaps one of his own creations, General Alissa Cyan might be able to help... Comix Zone is a side-scrolling fighting game with a difference, you're inside of a comic book and you yourself know it. Smash enemies into the sides of frames, rip through the paper to unleash a super move and otherwise wreck havoc throughout the limitations of the graphic novel. Sketch himself can jump, attack and use various items that he finds along the comic book, including his rat friend, Roadkill. Button combinations can be used to unleash powerful techniques. The game progresses linear through each page of the comic book, however secret paths and alternate routes through the story can be discovered. At the end of each level, Sketch receives a super hero rating for how well he's progressing.// - www.Mobygames.com //You play a highly-respected comic book artist who, by a strange twist of fate, gets sucked into his own creation. Now he must play the hero against the very villians that he designed himself! Pretty much passed over when it was released, this is a better game than one might think. Features a novel concept, a well-designed story, and decent gameplay. Great sound and graphics as well, all adding up to quite an enjoyable experience. Also, KGen author Steve Snake considers it to be one of the best games ever written for the Genesis platform - now there's an endorsement for ya! What are you waiting for? Go get it - now!// - www.GenesisProject-Online.com ---- {{megadrive:md_coso1500.jpg?966}} ----