AUTHOR: Strategic Simulations / Electronic Arts RELEASE: 1991 TYP: RPG SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 35€

Begleiten Sie Buck Rogers auf seiner Mission zur Bekämpfung des Reichs des Bösen. Befehligen Sie intergalaktische Krieger in heißen taktischen Gefechten. Sprengen Sie mit Ihren Laserwaffen, Lenkwaffen und Kanonen die feindlichen Schiffe.


Gamers Ausgabe 2/1992: [Note: 2-]
Anspruchsvolles Rollenspiel mit viel Science-Fiction-Atmosphäre und abwechslungsreichen Einzelmissionen. Acht Megabit voller Rätsel, Strategie, Taktik und Abenteuer. Eine Batterie zum Speichern von vier Spielständen ist eingebaut.
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The alien Gorg fleet is preparing to destroy Earth with its massive Doomsday Laser, and only Buck Rogers and his team of specialists can stop it in time. Based on the classic 1940s newspaper comic strip. A futuristic strategy game in the classic sense - one that players can't possibly hope to comprehend without reading the thick game manual from cover to cover. Graphically unimpressive, too. I'm no simulation buff, but I think players should try more current offerings before tackling this one. -

Awakened from your centuries long sleep in the 25th Century, you are Buck Rogers, ancient military hero and symbol of earlier times. As you are brought up to date, you decide to join the New Earth Organization (NEO), to fight for your home planet. Once you had fought in the cold war, a pilot sent into outer space to destroy a Russian weapons platform. You were successful, but your success destroyed the planet, as nuclear war was launched, and you went into a centuries long cryogenic sleep, abandoned by the people who could not retrieve you. In the centuries that you slept, Earth colonized the solar system. There are large groups of people on Mars, Venus and Saturn. The colonies once existed to bring resources back to an Earth that had problems sustaining itself. But the intervening centuries brought a power shift. Now Earth is at the Mercy of the interstellar alliance RAM—formerly the Russian-American Mercantile, but now the superpower, based on asteroids surrounding the planet Mercury. Mercury exploits the Earth for resources, at the expense of Earth's population. Earth has fallen into barbarism, except for one small light—the New Earth Organization (NEO). These „rebels“ consider themselves freedom-fighters, and they are fighting for Earth's freedom from the interstellar powers. Call it patriotism, if you will, but you join them—the only person alive who can remember when Earth was supreme and healthy. You assemble a team, and begin your attack… -


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