---- ^[[megadrive:a|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE A]]^ {{megadrive:logo_atru.gif}} ---- **AUTHOR: ** Data East **RELEASE:** 1992 **TYP:** [[megadrive:else|Jump & Shoot]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** 7 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **WERT:** 35 ---- Weltraumwesen, die bereits heimlich vor Tausenden von Jahren die Erde besucht haben, sind zurückgekommen. Und diesmal behaupten sie, der Planet gehöre ihnen! Schlüpfen Sie in Ihren Atomanzug und bereiten Sie Ihre Waffen vor, denn jetzt erleben Sie ein Rennen durch glühende Wüsten, tödliche Höhlen und uralte Ruinen auf dem Weg zur entscheidenden Schlacht! {{megadrive:klein_atru1.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_atru2.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_atru3.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_atru4.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_atru5.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_atru6.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_atru7.gif?232}} {{megadrive:klein_atru8.gif?232}} ---- ^Presse^ **GAMERS Special Ausgabe 3:** [Grafik: 2 Sound: 2 Gesamt: 2-] \\ //Grafisch abwechslungsreiche Einlage über sieben Level mit sechs verschiedenen Waffen. Nicht jedermanns Sache, da der Bildschirm unentwegt scrollt.// \\ {{md_atru_gamers.zip|kompletten Artikel runterladen}} ^Files^ [[http://project2612.org/details.php?id=375/|{{Original Soundtrack}}]] [[http://www.good-old-times.com/in_vgm034.zip|{{(WinAmp PlugIn)}}]] \\ ^Codes^ - ^Kommentare^ //Chelnov is a young scientist turned superhero thanks to his power armor, which he must use in an all-out struggle with an invading alien army that has managed to take him captive. First he must bust out of jail, and then it's time to lock and load. Go figure. Decent enough port of a less-than-satisfactory arcade game. The characters are way too small, and the crappy gameplay is preserved perfectly. The sound is even worse than the pathetic mix used in the original. Consider a version for another platform before this one.// www.GenesisProject-Online.com //Chelnov is a young scientist who once lived happily with his father and his sister. One day, while walking on the street, he heard a sound of a huge explosion. He rushed hime, only to find his father lying bleeding on the floor. Before he died, the father told Chelnov the explosion was caused by Deathtarians, a race of aliens who claimed to be the original population of the Earth and wanted to control this planet. They also kidnapped Chelnov's sister. Chelnov grabbed a special suit made by his father, which gave him super-human powers and made him an "Atomic Runner". The Deathtarians caught and imprisoned him, but he broke out of the prison and is now on the run... "Atomic Runner" is a side-scrolling platformer. You can't control the movements of your character completely: you can only jump and shoot. The screen moves constantly to the left, and the Atomic Runner is running automatically. You have to eliminate the enemies quickly and collect valuable items while they are still to the right of you. Once they are left behind, you can't go back and collect them. The large levels end with boss battles.// www.Mobygames.com ---- {{megadrive:md_atru1500.jpg?966}} ----