^[[megadrive:a|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE A]]^
**AUTHOR: **Virgin Games / Delphine Software **RELEASE:** 1991 **TYP:** [[megadrive:else|Action Adventure]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** 12 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **WERT:** 15€
Nach einem ungewöhnlichen Unfall findet sich der Wissenschaftler Lester Chaykin benommen und völlig verwirrt in einer unbekannten Umgebung wieder. Dies ist nicht die Erde, dies ist Another World. Der Kampf ums Überleben hat begonnen.
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{{megadrive:klein_anotherworld1.jpg?232}} {{megadrive:klein_anotherworld2.jpg?232}} {{megadrive:klein_anotherworld3.jpg?232}} {{megadrive:klein_anotherworld4.jpg?232}}
**SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 2/1993:** [Grafik: 65% Sound: 75% Gesamt: 58%] \\
//Schade. Vielversprechende Aufmachung, Handlung wohl auch nicht schlecht, aber viel zu träge.//\\
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**SEGA Pro 05/1993:** [Grafik: 94% Sound: 89% Gesamt: 92%] \\
//Fesselt euch, bis Ihr nicht mehr könnt oder mit Triumpfgeheul der Endsequenz entgegenblickt. Another World ist ein hervorragendes Spiel, das eine völlig neue Kategorie eröffnet. Bis Flashback (vom selben Team) kommt, wird es seinesgleichen auf dem Mega Drive wohl nicht finden.//\\
**GAMERS Ausgabe 3/1993:** [Grafik: 2 Sound: 3 Gesamt: 3] \\
//Echte Film-Atmosphäre gepaart mit guter Story.//\\
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^ Level ^ Password ^
| 1 | LDKD |
| 2 | HTDC |
| 3 | CLLD |
| 4 | LBKG |
| 5 | XDDJ |
| 6 | FXLC |
| 7 | KRFK |
| 8 | BRTD |
| 9 | TFBB |
| 10 | TXHF |
| 11 | CKJL |
| 12 | LFCK |
//You're Lester Knight Chaykin, a physicist who likes to work alone. During your latest stint down at the lab, lightning struck the particle accellerator and caused your anti-matter experiment to go haywire, opening a dimensional vortex and hurling you into another world - a world where you have only your wits to survive the many perils ahead. A fantastic-looking, excellently-executed, and hard-as-hell adventure game that is well worth the frustration. The opening cinema alone is now an acknowledged classic in the genre. A bit heavy on the puzzles, to be sure, but man - what a game! //- www.GenesisProject-Online.com
//You play Lester, the young physics professor, who suddenly finds himself in a strange alien world after a lightning struck his particle experiment. Now he should fight for his life, first with his bare hands, then with a gun he finds. But what gives him courage is the fact he is not alone. One of the aliens, who together with him escapes from the prison, helps him on his dangerous quest. Friendship can overcome all the obstacles. "Out of This World" is an adventure game, where the adventuring element is concealed behind what looks like a typical platform shooter. The gameplay is based mainly on physical and environmental puzzles. Each enemy requires a different strategy, and often there is only one way to solve the problem. The game is divided into levels, each one of which can be accessed by typing a code you learn after having completed the level. The game features vector graphics and animated cut scenes. //- www.Mobygames.com