AUTHOR: SEGA / Treasure RELEASE: 1995 TYP: Jump & Shoot SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 25 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 250€

Im Jahr 2015 ist der Planet Sierra unter die Kontrolle von Xi-Tigers Scarlet Leuten geraten. Alle Hoffnung ruht auf den Schultern von Epsilon-Eagle, dem furchtlosen Krieger mit im Universum einzigartigen Angriffstechniken. Alien Soldier ist der neue Meilenstein von Treasure, den Männern hinter Gunstar Heroes & Dynamite Headdy.


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 5/1995: [Grafik: 83% Sound: 80% Gesamt: 80%]
Gekonnt bunt und effektvoll in Szene gesetzt, die vielen Endgegner wurden aufwendig animiert, jedoch leichtes Zeilenflackern. Pure Endgegner-Fights in einem technisch ansprechenden Umfeld. Spacige, zum Teil auch düstere oder fetzige Musikstücke von guter Klangqualität. Mitunter exzellente Voice-Samples.
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It is the year 2015. A spacefaring terrorist group known as Scarlet has become strong enough to seal the space lanes around Earth. A sudden, desperate attack planned in secret wounds Scarlet's leader Epsilon, causing a power struggle among the terrorists and giving humanity time to regroup and fight back. Two old foes among the genetically-engineered terrorists now vie for control of the organization, the outcome of which could determine the fate of mankind. From the makers of the legendary Gunstar Heroes, this platform shoot 'em up is reminiscent of Contra but with more options. Loud graphics and louder audio, looks cool and plays pretty decently. -

In the year 2015 the planet Sierra is in the grips of Xi-Tiger's Scarlet terrorists. All hope now lies with Epsilon-Eagle, a fearsome warrior with a lethal arsenal. Armed with all the hardware you can carry, blast, shoot and burn through level after level of incredible cyber-action before confronting the mighty Xi-Tiger. Various weapons to pick up and loads of boss battles. Each boss has it's own weakness, which you must exploit. You can change forms to vary your attack pattern. -


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