
AUTHOR: Acclaim / Iguana RELEASE: 1995 TYP: Sport SPIELER: 4 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Eng WERT: ~13€

NFL Quarterback Club sorgt für noch packendere Action auf dem 32X… Dank der völlig neuen, optimierten Pässe kannst Du mehr als 80 Meter des Spielfelds überblicken, um den idealen Anspielpartner zu finden. Vielfältige Kameraperspektiven versetzen Dich mitten ins Laufspiel, und die superglatte Kameraführung zeigt Dir technisch brilliante Sofortwiederholungen aus praktisch jedem Blickwinkel. NFL Quarterback Club in der 32X Version… Echter American Football für echte Spieler!

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SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 8/1995: [Grafik: 70% Sound: 64% Gesamt: 80%]
Bei diesem 32X-Spiel hat sich Acclaim verhältnismäßig viel Mühe gegeben. Dank der neuen Perspektive und einigen Zoom-Effekten ist das gesamte Game nicht nur ansehnlicher geworden, auch spektakuläre Pässe gelingen einem aufgrund der besseren Übersicht noch besser als auf dem Mega Drive. Gegenüber John Madden Football fehlt allerdings noch der nötige spielerische Feinschliff im taktischen Bereich.
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What a shocker. Not only is NFL Quarterback Club a great game, but it's a great game on the 32x! The REAL shocker is that this great 32x game was put out by Acclaim, certainly one of the most reviled game publishers in the business. Acclaim is responsible for a cornucopia of terrible videogames based on movies and licensed characters, but it seems that Acclaim have redeemed themselves as of late, and it's about time, too. Sure, NFL Quarterback Club is a blatant Madden rip-off, but it's a really refined and polished Madden rip-off that just happens to play very well. The game features all 28 NFL teams with plenty of options, including pre-season, playoff, full-season, and a cool simulation mode. All your games can be saved with the aid of a built-in battery (those batteries are going to start dying real soon, so watch out! These games are getting up there in years.) The control, so important in console football titles, is incredibly responsive and accurate. Too bad the developers chose not to utilize the 6-button controller, but no matter. The graphics are very impressive as well… not quite up to later Playstation and Saturn efforts, but certainly better than most 16-bit titles. Clear digitized player portraits and liberal use of 32x color add to the graphical realism, along with smooth animation and excellent camera work. Most of the standard Madden views are present, as well as a really cool instant reply feature that adds an incredible amount of interactivity to the game. The screen scrolls very smoothly, and the camera pans and zooms are fluid and precise. The soundtrack is pretty much what you'd expect from a football game, with a lot of crowd noise and referee chatter. Everything comes together seamlessly, resulting in one of the best sports games for the 32x, as well as one of the top 32x games overall. If you're a sports fan, don't miss out on NFL Quarterback Club. www.the32xmemorial.com

Remember when you actually had a selection of football games to choose from? When there was some healthy competition to spice up your options? Madden was already burning up the market even in those heady days, but there were still plenty of other choices. Especially on the Genesis, which offered such games as NFL Prime Time, NFL Football, and a host of celebrity-endorsed titles. There was also NFL Quarterback Club, a series that had two installments on the Genesis and one on the 32X. This last one is the subject of today's review, and it couldn't be timelier. The end of summer is on the horizon, after all, and frosty days with the ol' pigskin beckon. To correct myself, I guess it isn't an „installment,“ technically. In reality it's just a port of NFL Quarterback Club '96. But surely all the 32X's extra power was put to good use, right? Say it with me, world-weary Sega fans… wrong! This is another dismal 32X „upgrade“ of a sixteen-bit game, meaning that improvements are minimal and mostly confined to additional colors and animation. That's not to say the game itself is bad. Quarterback Club, like its Genesis counterpart, is flashy, slick, and easy to learn. The artwork is designed with the limitations of the medium in mind, resulting in onscreen players that are leaner and tougher than the chunky doughboys we so often see. They animate well, from the diving tackles to the (numerous) touchdown celebrations. Whilst Madden and co. moved in a choppy, robotic manner, here the gridiron minions mill about with surprising realism thanks to a drifty physics system. Receivers accelerate and decelerate fluidly, even skidding during abrupt 180s. All of this makes the running game much more enjoyable and adds another layer of challenge to defense as well, as those pesky enemy players can sometimes squeeze through your line like a greased pig. Gone are the impenetrable scrimmage fronts and doomsday tackles, as well. Thanks to a nifty option called „power shuck,“ a fierce, button-hammering showdown decides whether tackler or tackled comes out on top. All the usual suspects are present as far as teams and players go, along with the intriguing ability to select any of the Quarterback Club to play on your squad, regardless of real-life team affiliation. This leads to some interesting dream scenarios, but would be much more useful if the game engine actually centered on the passing game. You see, despite the bold title that leads one to think of ball-tossing heroics, NFL Quarterback Club doesn't really encourage passing. Why? Because it's so darn hard to get the ball into a receiver's hands! I can only stand so much frustration, and after a string of incomplete passes I finally down into a healthy rhythm of running the ball. The computer's defense is always in your way, screwing up receptions and swatting away the ball, even if you actually manage to get your throw timed to your receiver's run correctly. With practice I was able to get a decent completion percentage, but passing is decidedly riskier than in other 16-bit football sims. […] Speaking of which, the voices are actually quite clear. The referees speak most of their lines and the on-the-field action is quite remarkable. There's still that hilarious chorus of grunts whenever the ball is hiked, but the audio is clean and actually adds to the experience. (Which is not the case in most 32X games.) It might come as something of a surprise to all of you, hearing such praise given to a Quarterback Club game. But although the franchise floundered pathetically in later years, it started off strong on 16-bit consoles. That said, whether or not it'll finally bump Madden off the queue during the football season is going to come down largely to personal preference. As a reviewer I can assure you that there's nothing grievously wrong with NFL Quarterback Club, and also that it has a few things going for it that the equivalent Madden games don't have. For those of who enjoyed the stock Genesis editions of this series, go for it. The 32X upgrade won't blow you away, but it's the definitive 16-bit port and can be had for a pittance. Those who grew up with Madden should probably just stick with what they know and love. www.sega-16.com
