
AUTHOR: Novotrade / SEGA RELEASE: 1995 TYP: Shoot´em Up SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 15 SPRACHE: Eng WERT: ~140€

Zwei bösartige Kristalle sind in die Erdatmosphäre eingedrungen und haben das Karma der Welt gestört. Langsam verwandeln sie alle Tiere und Pflanzen in gemeine Monster. Kolibri, ein wunderschöner, zierlicher Vogel, muß das natürliche Wesen aller Geschöpfe wiederherstellen. Leiten Sie ihn durch eine bezaubernde Welt mit feinster Polygongrafik und traumhaften 3D-Perspektiven. Nur Sie können die Erde noch retten!


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 12/1995: [Grafik: 81% Sound: 83% Gesamt: 83%]
Die Ecco-Entwickler bleiben ihrem Stil treu: Erneut setzt Novotrade auf Naturlandschaften und einen animalischen Sympathieträger. Die Odyssee des kleinen Piepmatz entpuppt sich als handfeste Ballerei mit wechselnden Anforderungen und einem allmählich steigenden Schwierigkeitsgrad. Insgesamt zwar nicht ganz so innovativ und umfangreich wie Ecco, erfrischend anders ist Kolibri dennoch.
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Novotrade are barely known in the gaming world nowadays. The company itself may not be known but its classic game Ecco the Dolphin probably is. Another game by Novotrade that didn’t become as popular as the Ecco series was Kolibri a game similar to Ecco in many ways but different in others. It was only released on the Sega 32X, the failed console that Sega probably don’t want to hear about ever again. It was released in 1995 which was when the gaming world was slowly changing from 16-bit consoles to 32-bit consoles. The storyline of Kolibri is really complicated and long which isn’t unusual. I thought the Ecco storylines were over the top but this one really takes the biscuit. Basically a crystal that landed on earth and was preserving all of the goodness of the environment has been replaced by a new dark crystal that does exactly the opposite. As the crystal comes into the earth as a meteorite the humming bird Kolibri is granted all the good from the old crystal which then gets destroyed. Kolibri is the only one who can stop the dark crystal from taking over the world. Pretty cheesy but enjoyable in a way. The genre of Kolibri is a shooter, not a puzzle game like what Ecco was. Basically all you have to do is trash all of the enemies in an area so your humming bird friends can take back what evil forces stole from them. Using the powers of the crystal you can fire energy from your beak which can kill anything that attacks you. Like most shooters enemies appear from all over and you have to blow them away. It is incredibly fun and even better if you hate wasps. You have to clear areas of insects by shooting them with your array of bizarre weapons. […] Kolibri is a strange game that never stops amazing me because of its originality. Although it is an average shooter game in a unusual theme, the game play isn’t anything special. The audio is terrible because of the weak processor of the system but graphically it is really impressive and looks lovely. The final verdict is that: if you are a game collector and are into 32X games then I recommend buying but if you are an Ecco fan then I reckon you should play it before you buy because you may not enjoy it as much.www.sega-16.com

Kolibri is a hummingbird hero in this unusual side scrolling shooter for the 32X. Deep inside the earth's core, there is a crystal from another world. This crystal is the earth's life force, and essential to it's survival. One day, a dark crystal falls from the sky and damages the earth's crystal. Desperate, the earth's crystal rockets to the surface and empowers Kolibri with the abilities he needs to defeat the dark crystal. This game features 19 levels set in a variety of detailed natural settings. Your goal in some levels is to destroy enemy bugs, in others your goal is to merely survive. www.Mobygames.com

A 32x exclusive. Do you love the Ecco the Dolphin games for the Genesis and Sega CD? You're going to love this one. Far and away the prettiest game to ever grace the 32x, Kolibri is one extremely underrated and unusual shooter. Sega took the tired old horizontal 2-D shooter genre and rejuvenated it with a dose of true tree-hugging, crystal-rubbing, new-age environmentalism. Mother Earth and her “crystal with the power of life” have been besieged by the forces of evil, and it is up to you and your hummingbird (surely a video game first) to save them as you fight wave after wave of animal-based enemies. The action is fast and furious (except for occasional moments of slowdown), yet calming and serene at the same time (your bird drinks nectar out of flowers to gain health.) Kolibri is a graphical masterpiece, with beautiful, rich 32x color and layer upon layer of deep parallax scrolling. The lush musical score and „natural“ sound effects fit the game perfectly, lending Kolibri a soothing quality found in few other videogames. The challenge can be a bit high, though, and it's sometimes difficult finding the exit to a level. Actually, the high difficulty level covers up the fact that there aren't very many levels to begin with, making Kolibri a quick game for skilled players. Not the best shooter ever made (check out Radiant Silvergun for the Saturn), but certainly one of the prettiest and most original. Kolibri is the only 2-D shooter ever produced for the 32x and continues to be one of the more sought-after releases. www.the32xmemorial.com


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