---- ^[[32x:Mega Drive 32X|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE 32X SPIELE]]^ {{megadrive32x:logo_fifa_soccer_96.jpg}} ---- **AUTHOR: ** E.A. **RELEASE:** 1995 **TYP:** Sport **SPIELER:** 4 **LEVEL:** - **SPRACHE:** ENG + GER + FR + ES + IT + SE **WERT:** ~55€ ---- Das erfolgreichste Fußballspiel aller Zeiten ist für das SEGA 32X jetzt noch verbessert und aktualisiert worden. FIFA Soccer 96 bringt Ihnen die Fußballaction der Welt ins Haus. Mehr als 3500 Spieler, 20 Mannschaften und 12 Ligen erwarten Sie! Mit seiner umwerfenden Grafik, 7 Kameraperspektiven, dem 4-Spieler-Modus und der bekannten Optionsvielfalt ist FIFA 96 das Fußballerlebnis schlechthin. {{megadrive32x:klein_fifa_soccer_96_01.jpg?200}} {{megadrive32x:klein_fifa_soccer_96_02.jpg?200}} {{megadrive32x:klein_fifa_soccer_96_03.jpg?200}} {{megadrive32x:klein_fifa_soccer_96_04.jpg?200}} {{megadrive32x:klein_fifa_soccer_96_05.jpg?200}} {{megadrive32x:klein_fifa_soccer_96_06.jpg?200}} {{megadrive32x:klein_fifa_soccer_96_07.jpg?200}} {{megadrive32x:klein_fifa_soccer_96_08.jpg?200}} ---- ^Presse^ **SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 3/1996:** [Grafik: 61% Sound: 69% Gesamt: 69%] \\ //Die Aufmachung und insgesamt sieben Perspektiven sollen an die Saturn-Version erinnern, spielerisch trennt die beiden Varianten jedoch einiges. Größtes Manko: Bei starken Kameraschwenks - insbesondere bei Standardsituationen - hechelt das Scrolling dem Ball regelrecht hinterher, was für enorme Verwirrung sorgt. Außerdem spielt sich die Bolzerei zwar recht flüssig, gleichzeitig aber auch ziemlich starr, da man immer aus den gleichen Positionen recht mühelos Tore erzielt.//\\ {{32x_fifa_soccer_96_segamag.zip|kompletten Artikel runterladen}} ^Files^ - ^Codes^ - ^Kommentare^ //The Sega Genesis had an unusually long life span, and gaming behemoth Electronic Arts played a big part of that success. EA's contributions in the sports genre, in particular, were especially instrumental to the popularity of the Genesis. Many of EA's best-selling games began on Sega's 16-bit machine, including John Madden Football, NHL Hockey, and FIFA Soccer. EA choose FIFA Soccer '96 as their first 32x game and scheduled it for a simultaneous European and U.S. release, but the dreadful performance of the 32X in the U.S. market coupled with its rapid demise caused Electronic Arts to alter their plans, no doubt deciding that the rabid European soccer market would embrace the game better than the football-oriented United States. The graphics and game engine of 32x FIFA Soccer '96 are considerably better than those of the already stellar Genesis FIFA games, featuring sharper player animations, increased colors, and a dynamic camera with rotating playfield views. Crowd chants and sound effects are encoded in Dolby Surround Sound, providing an immersive sporting experience. Additionally, up to four people can play using a multitap. Unfortunately, odd bugs and gameplay glitches pop up from time to time, no doubt due to EA's attempt to get the game released before the Mega Drive 32x market completely collapsed (FIFA '96 is rumored to be more of a late-stage beta version rather than a finished game.) Regardless of its shortcomings, FIFA Soccer '96 is one of the better 32x games and hints at what the 32x could have become with more third-party support. Unlike DarXide (the other Europe-exclusive 32x game), FIFA Soccer '96 will play on any 32x hardware from any region. The game even runs at full-speed and displays full-screen (many European video games are straight ports from Japan/U.S. titles that use the NTSC television standard, and their conversion to the PAL television format reduces the game speed and viewing area.)// www.the32xmemorial.com ---- {{megadrive32x:32x_fifa_soccer_961500.jpg?833}} ----