---- ^[[32x:Mega Drive 32X|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE 32X SPIELE]]^ {{megadrive32x:logo_after_burner1500.jpg}} ---- **AUTHOR: ** Rutubo Games / SEGA **RELEASE:** 1995 **TYP:** 3D Action **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** - **SPRACHE:** ENG **WERT:** ~20€ ---- Schnallen Sie sich gut an, wenn Sie den Afterburner Ihrer F14 Tomcat einschalten und den Himmel zum Glühen bringen. Zahlreiche Missionen erwarten Sie. Jagen Sie Ihre Gegner am Tag und in der Nacht, über Land und über Wasser und lassen Sie sie mit Ihren Sidewinder-Raketen Bekanntschaft machen. {{megadrive32x:klein_after_burner_01.gif?200}} {{megadrive32x:klein_after_burner_07.jpg?200}} {{megadrive32x:klein_after_burner_03.jpg?200}} {{megadrive32x:klein_after_burner_06.jpg?200}} {{megadrive32x:klein_after_burner_05.jpg?200}} {{megadrive32x:klein_after_burner_04.gif?200}} {{megadrive32x:klein_after_burner_02.jpg?200}} {{megadrive32x:klein_after_burner_08.jpg?200}} ---- ^Presse^ **SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 2/1995:** [Grafik: 73% Sound: 69% Gesamt: 66%] \\ //Zweifellos die bislang gelungenste Umsetzung des Automatenklassikers, allerdings nicht mehr zeitgemäß. Im Gegensatz zu Space Harrier ging bei Afterburner leider sehr viel vom Klassiker-Flair verloren. Für echte Actionfreaks ist es jedoch dennoch ein heißer Tip.//\\ {{32x_after_burner_segamag.zip|kompletten Artikel runterladen}} ^Files^ - ^Codes^ - ^Kommentare^ //After Burner, like its cousin Space Harrier, is a nearly pixel-perfect conversion of a classic Sega arcade game. Sega was THE premiere developer of arcade games all through the 1980’s (much as it is today), and After Burner was amazingly impressive and popular in its day. Trouble is, that day was in 1987, and the 32x came out some seven years later. The simultaneous 32x debut of After Burner and Space Harrier early on (both of which had been released for the Sega Master System six years earlier) left many gamers wondering exactly what Sega was trying to acomplish with their 32-bit add-on. Why Sega choose to port this pseudo-3D shooting game (it uses scaling sprites instead of polygons) to the 32x without any upgrades is beyond us, considering the fact that the 32x is quite a bit more powerful than the16-bit arcade hardware that hosted the original game. Still, if you’re a fan of this behind-the-plane shooter, you know what to expect and you won’t be disappointed. The color palate is rich and varied, the sprite scrolling is fast and furious, and the sound effects sound just like they did in the arcade (not that you could hear them in the arcade.) The colorful explosions are still really cool, and there's nothing quite like watching your plane go down in flames and plow through a forest full of 2-D trees. The option list is long for such a simple game, and the joypad is fully configurable (not that there is much to configure.) The control is more than acceptable with the standard Genesis pad, but you can substitute any number of aftermarket joysticks if you want the true arcade experience. A great game for those who want to relive the original arcade experience or for newbies who want to see what was considered “revolutionary” back in 1987.// www.the32xmemorial.com //I remember being blown away with the outright speed and explosive zeal from Sega's Afterburner back in 1987, in the arcades. While finding sit-down versions of this game were next to impossible, that was pretty much fine by me, as I preferred the stand-up cab. Ever since then, I've compared Afterburner to just about every 1st/3rd person fighter plane game there is. When the 32X was released, I recall thinking how appropriate if it would be if Afterburner were released on it. From rumors to truth, a 3rd party developer was in fact developing a port. YES!!! [... ] If you like shmups and/or Afterburner, and want a quality title to add to the somewhat meager 32X lineup, this is a game you must buy. It is the best home version of Afterburner you can get. REVO EMAG! // http://www.sega-16.com ---- {{megadrive32x:32x_after_burner1500.jpg?833}} ----