AUTHOR: Victor / Core Design RELEASE: 1993 TYP: Jump & Run SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 9 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 16€

Die wilde Pitbully Weltraum-Armada hat von dem Planeten K-9 Besitz ergriffen. Nur Wonder Dog kann die Dinge wieder in Ordnung bringen!

Planet K-9 has been taken over by the ferocious Pitbully space armada. Only Wonder Dog can set things right!


SEGA Pro Ausgabe 1/1993: [Grafik: 92% Sound: 88% Gesamt: 90%]
Dies ist eines der SEHR wenigen Spiele, die bislang die Technologie des Mega-CD wirklich nutzen! Wonderdog ist ein rundum gelungenes, erstklassiges Spiel mit hohem Suchtpotential und Langzeitwirkung. Wenn Ihr noch nicht vom Mega-CD überzeugt seid, zählt Eure Scheine und seht Euch dieses Spiel an. Ich spreche aus Erfahrung…
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SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 2/1994: [Grafik: 81% Sound: 82% Gesamt: 81%]
Das niedlichste Jump & Run für das Mega CD 2. […] Dank des brillianten Vorspanns darf man an diesem Spiel einfach nicht vorübergehen.
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Mega Fun Ausgabe 9/1993: [Grafik: 80% Sound: 77% Gesamt: 83%]
Wonderdog ist ein astreines Jump´n Run, bei dem die Langzeitmotivation vorprogrammiert ist. Solch eine Putziggrafik oder bonbonfarbene Hintergründe sind bei den wenigsten Spielen anzutreffen. Doch nicht nur die Grafik besticht sofort, nein, auch der Sound weiß zu begeistern, so daß Euch hier sofort die Ohren übergehen werden. Auch ein Lob an die Programmierer für die unübersehbare Feindesschar, die in jedem Level anders ist. Abwechslung pur. […] Mit gutem Grund kann ich an dieser Stelle nur noch sagen, Sonic hat endlich ernsthafte Konkurrenz bekommen.






Wonder Dog is a side-scrolling platform game featuring a dog with super jumping ability and powerful throwing stars. Wonder Dog has these abilities because he is not from Earth, but from Planet K-9. When Wonder Dog was a pup, K-9 scientists sent him to Earth to escape the impending invasion from the Pitbully Armada. Now, armed with the wonder serum, Wonder Dog must fight his way back to liberate K-9. This game features a variety of colorful stages, several hidden bonus rounds, and a large boss character at the end of nearly every level.

Once through the well executed but lacklustre intro you're left in no doubt that this is a traditional 2D platformer that seems to have been done by the numbers - but thankfully they got the formula right. Hidden areas and levels are abundant, and with the run button held down the games moves at a speed that almost equals Sonic CD. Cutesy enemies, oversized end of level bosses and numerous pickups complete the equation. The sprites are well animated and the levels varied enough to maintain interest, the sound effects crisp and the CD music - well, think of platform game music and you're there. Wonder Dog adds nothing new to the genre but what it does do is done very well, and is certainly worthy of your attention.

I remember back in 1992 when my friend Keith brought Wonder Dog over to my house, along with his Sega CD system. I had seen magazines rave about this game, but it turned out to be pretty lame. Predictably, Wonder Dog begins with a full motion video segment that's cheesy in a Saturday morning cartoon way and unintentionally funny (although there is one tear-jerking moment). The game itself is a straight-forward platformer comparable to something you'd play on the Genesis. Wonder Dog features cutesy characters, illustrated backdrops, and irrepressibly happy music. Whether you find these qualities to be more irritating or endearing will depend on your own sensibilities. The main character is a space dog in suspenders with the ability to slide, dig, and shoot stars in a rapid-fire fashion. Shooting stars is the best part of the game. You can aim them high or low, and they can clear a nice path in front of you. Oddly, you'll sustain damage from every creature you touch, including tiny bunny rabbits. I found Wonderdog's control scheme to be pretty awkward, especially since you must often use the dash and jump buttons together. There are plenty of items to collect, hidden areas, and well-designed boss encounters. For Sega CD fans looking to take a break from the full-motion video (FMV) games, this isn't bad choice if you can stomach its kiddie style.

mcd_wonder_dog_cd_bb.jpg mcd_wonder_dog_cd_aa.jpg

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