^[[mega-cd:t|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE T]]^
**AUTHOR: ** Wolf Team / Taito **RELEASE:** 1993 **TYP:** [[mcd:3D Action|FMV Action]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** 16 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **WERT:** 13€
Begeben Sie sich zusammen mit Raika - Time Gal - auf eine spannende Reise durch die Jahrmillionen der Erdgeschichte und hinaus in die ferne Zukunft, um den tödlichen Plan eines kriminellen Gehirns zu verhindern!
Take a thrilling journey through millions of years of history and far into the future as Raika - Time Gal - tries to stop a criminal mastermind's deadly scheme!
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**SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 1/1993:** [Grafik: 85% Sound: 86% Gesamt: 82%] \\
// Dank der großen Abwechslung und der vielen Überraschungen ein hochmotivierendes Spiel!// \\
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**Mega Fun Ausgabe 9/1993:** [Grafik: 76% Sound: 75% Gesamt: 68%] \\
// Schon Cobra Command und Road Avenger haben mir sehr gut gefallen. Auch Time Gal schlägt da in die gleiche Kerbe und bietet tolle Zeichentrickgrafik und eine witzige Sound- und Effektkulisse. Einziges echtes Manko ist die Länge des Spieles... // \\
//Time Gal was released for the Mega-CD before Dragon's Lair, and actually looks a little better than the master of the genre, although the video isn't full screen. Guide the heroine on her adventures back and forwards through time, hitting the right direction at the right moment to avoid one of the many death animations on offer. You can set the game to "easy" and the orbs around the screen will light up to let you know what to press and when, and whilst this does make the game much more straightforward it does leave you watching the outside edges and not the video itself, though a password system allows you to watch the animation from cleared periods at your leisure. The real sticking point comes once every few levels when you are presented with 10 seconds to take one of three decisions with no hints given - and two of them will kill you. This can be enormously frustrating as the correct action isn't always obvious and failure can wipe out two of your lives through no fault of your own. The in-game audio is as good as you'd expect from an FMV title, loading is almost seamless, and you do get a breather as each level only starts when you want it to. The time-travelling storyline provides plenty of variety from Roman gladiators, through WW2 fighter planes and well into the distant future - though the prehistoric monster idea is done once too often. Like any game of this type you can learn the path through by trial and error and once you've seen the end you're unlikely to come back. Until you reach the end, there's plenty of fun to be had.// www.sega-mega-cd-library.co.uk
//Time Gal takes its cue from Dragon's Lair, the original laserdisc game. It's a full-motion video (FMV) game which you only interact with at certain predetermined moments. Despite being a huge fan of the original Dragon's Lair, Time Gal did not impress me. The grainy video intro is lackluster, but it's not the graphic quality that kills the game - it's the lousy frame rate. Time Gal is a sexy babe thrust into various periods of history from 700000000 BC to 1991. She has to deal with rampaging dinosaurs, gladiators and pirates, and high-tech weaponry of the present. The situations are pretty wild, but the low frame rate makes it hard to tell what the heck's going on, and that's a problem since you only have a split second to respond. Fortunately the screen provides visual cues in the form of four glowing jewels, which you'll inevitably come to rely on completely. In fact, you'll pay so much attention to these jewels that you'll barely catch a glimpse of what's happening on the screen. Since most of moves can't be logically deduced, memorization is the key to getting through the levels. Many correct moves actually seem to defy logic, like when you're sitting on top of a dinosaur's mouth, and need to push down to escape. At least the stages are randomized somewhat. Another strange thing about the game is how Time Gal turns into a chubby cartoon character whenever she dies. I guess this was meant to soften the violence. When a real person gets crushed by a mammoth, it's tragic, but when it happens to a cartoon character - it's funny!// www.videogamecritic.net
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