Developer & Publisher: Domark / Bullfrog / Acclaim Part Number: T-88065-50 Release: 1995 Genre: Top-Down Action Player: 1 Level: 50 Language: Eng + Ger + Fr Value: ~*€ Scarcity: 8

In den Städten von Morgen kämpft ein Verbrechersyndikat um die Weltherrschaft. Sie müssen die Macht Ihres Syndikates ausdehnen, indem Sie Ihre Cyborg-Agenten auf den Straßen der Stadt einsetzen. Kämpfen Sie in 50 Missionen um die Weltherrschaft! Rüsten Sie Ihre Agenten mit futuristischer Ausrüstung auf! Verändern Sie Ihre Cyborgs, und forschen Sie nach noch gefährlicheren Waffen!

In the cities of the future, powerful Syndicates fight for world domination. To extend your empire you must use cyborg agents and cause havoc in the streets. Fight for world domination with 50 missions! Arm your agents with futuristic weapons! Modify your cyborg agents and finance the development of lethal new weapons!








Original game designed by Sean Cooper for Amiga and PC's. Tactical, mission-based game where you command a team to complete the objectives. The grandfather of the Rainbow Six games. Released on 3DO, CD32, FM Towns, Genesis, Jaguar, Mega-CD and SNES. Not released in the US, and extremely hard to find in Europe.

In the future, the world is controlled by a handful of global corporations (syndicates). You are the Marketing director (hit man) for one of these companies. It is your job to take control away from the competitors. The job is not one of diplomacy, but one of brute force and physical control. Advance your way to the top of the corporation by successfully completing your missions and managing the money you make from your territories. The gameplay is visually reminiscent of X-Com, with an angled top-down perspective, but it is real time rather than turn based. You have missions ranging from infiltrate and capture, to seek and destroy. In each of these you direct a team of four agents as they move through the world shooting at anything that gets in their way. You can upgrade and modify your agents, as well as equip them with tools you have researched or liberated from opposing syndicates. As you complete missions, you gain more funds to use for purchasing agents or researching upgrades and equipment.

An extremely rare port of the PC classic. One sold eBay Germany on August 2nd 2004 for 151.00 Euros

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