Developer & Publisher: SEGA / Code Monkeys Part Number: 4435-50 Release: 1995 Genre: FMV Action Player: 1 Level: 3 Language: Englisch Value: ~40€ Scarcity: 6

In den nächsten hundert Jahren werden sich die Machtverhältnisse deutlich verlagern. Die größte Gefahr geht dann von kleinen, fanatischen Gruppierungen mit Nukleartechnologie aus, die sich in dichtbesiedelten Gebieten versteckt halten. Die einzig wirksame Lösung stellen die leichtgängigen und hochentwickelten Luftkissenboote der Surgical Strike-Spezialeinheit dar. Ihre Aufgabe scheint unlösbar: Sichern Sie mit Ihrem Team den Weltfrieden.

Over the next 100 years, the course of warfare will change. The new threat comes from rebel bands of fanatics, with nuclear capability, hidden deep within densely populated areas. The solution? A mechanised marine battalion equipped with highly sophisticated attack hovercrafts. Your Surgical Strike Team's mission is simple: Destroy all threats to global peace.


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 10/1995: [Grafik: 73% Sound: 69% Gesamt: 58%]
Die Mega CD II-Besitzrer werden im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes zugeballert mit Full Motion-Videospielen von der Stange. Anfänglich ist es ja ganz interessant, aber lieber bleibe ich bei dem spannenderen und abwechslungsreicheren Tomcat Alley.
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A Middle Eastern madman has begun launching rockets against innocent civilian population centers. The United Nations has deemed this behavior unacceptable and the secretary-general has ordered a surgical strike in an effort the curb these attacks. To that end, you are to pilot the most advanced war vehicle devised to date– a heavily armored and armed hovercraft. Surgical Strike is an on-rails action shooter game that takes place against a full motion video backdrop depicting chaotic, war-ravaged cityscapes. You are to pilot the hovercraft, fire either bullets or rockets at opportune moments, and issue turn directives at key junctures. Miss a cue and another precious military hovercraft will be toast and you'll be chewed out by your superior officer and peers alike.

Wow I've never seen so many cool explosions in my life! Your mission in this first-person FMV (full motion video) shooter is to move through war-torn battlegrounds and blow up strategic targets. You drive an armored hovercraft armed with gattling guns and missiles. Riding through the streets of a desert city, the FMV graphics deplict a raging war complete with burning buildings, bombs, and gunmen. Target boxes appear to indicate danger ahead, and you must destroy these targets immediately or take damage. Shooting is done by aiming a cursor and firing your guns or missiles. If successful, you'll see a short clip of your weapons firing, followed by an impressive explosion. It's clear that TruVideo spared no expense with the pyrotechnics. There are a huge variety of video clips showing exploding buildings and tanks, often with people flying out of them. Sure, some of the clips repeat after a while, but the quality of this destruction is still quite satisfying. In order to complete each level, you'll need to destroy several key targets as indicated on a map. Navigating the streets is a piece of cake once you get used to the controls. As with all FMV games, your commander is a big jerk who goes nuts every time you screw up („You couldn't drive a nail!“). The second and third stages feature a mountain fortress and an island paradise full of babes. Now THAT's incentive!

A rare yet excellent and challenging title. Choose an insertion point and pilot your hovercraft through a city decimated by a nuclear explosion, fending off attacks with your missiles and gatling gun whilst keeping your wingmen alive. Movement is semi-on rails - you can choose to which way to turn at intersections but don't pilot the craft directly, instead moving the crosshairs to pick off highlighted targets. Successful hits are rewarded with short FMV sections of the target exploding. For once the movement between clips is fast enough to not interrupt gameplay (though each is preceded by the same shot of your gun firing or a missile launching to give the CD time to hunt the relevant piece of FMV down). The picture quality is surprisingly good, though it can be difficult to make out what's going on until targets are highlighted.

mcd_surgical_strike_cd_bb.jpg mcd_surgical_strike_cd_aa.jpg

mega-cd/surgical_strike.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2012/01/26 01:33 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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