---- ^[[mega-cd:s|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE S]]^ {{mega-cd:logo_rebel_assault_cd.gif}} ---- **Developer & Publisher:** JVC Musical Industries / LucasArts **Part Number:** [[mcd:pn|T-60075-50]] **Release:** 1994 **Genre:** [[mcd:3D Action]] **Player:** 1 **Level:** 16 **Language:** Englisch **Value:** ~13€ **Scarcity:** 3 ---- Die Rebellentruppen haben ihr erstes Gefecht gegen das mächtige Imperium gewonnen. Doch damit beginnt der eigentliche Kampf erst! Als Rookie Eins werden Sie in eine ferne 3D-Galaxis versetzt, um dem Imperium ein für allemal ein Ende zu machen. Testen Sie Ihren T16 Skyhopper auf einem Trainingsflug durch den Beggar´s Canyon... Weichen Sie Asteroiden aus, und schießen Sie im tiefen Weltraum TIE-Kampfjäger ab... Nehmen Sie es in der eisigen Tundra von Hoth mit einer ganzen Flotte von AT-ATs auf... und fordern Sie am Ende Darth Vader selbst und das gesamte Imperium heraus, indem Sie sich einen Weg durch die Schluchten des berüchtigten Todessterns suchen. Rebel forces have won their first battle against the dark side... But the battle has only just begun! As Rookie One, You are thrust into a 3D galaxy far, far, away to crush the evil Empire once and for all. Take your T16 Skyhopper on a training run through Beggar's Canyon... Then dodge asteroids and blast TIE fighter sin a deep space rumble... tackle a fleet on menacing AT-ATs on the icy tundra of Hoth... and ultimately annihilate Vader and the evil Empire with a kamikaze trench-run in the infamous Death Star. {{mega-cd:klein_rebel_assault_cd_01.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_rebel_assault_cd_02.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_rebel_assault_cd_03.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_rebel_assault_cd_04.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_rebel_assault_cd_05.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_rebel_assault_cd_07.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_rebel_assault_cd_06.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_rebel_assault_cd_08.gif?200}} ---- ^Presse^ **GAMERS Ausgabe 11/1994:** [Grafik: 4- Sound: 4- Gesamt: 4-] \\ // Das Star Wars-Szenario verspricht recht viel, hält aber auf dem Mega-CD recht wenig. Das die Steuerung in vielen Szenarien unter aller Kanone ist, könnte man ja noch verkraften, wenn wenigstens etwas anderes geboten würde. Die unübersichtliche Krümelgrafik macht auch den optischen Genuß zunichte: Es ist nicht sonderlich berauschend, durch grob gepixelte eintönige Landschaften zu fliegen. Da hilft auch die Macht nichts mehr...// \\ {{mcd_rebel_assault_cd_gamers.zip|kompletten Artikel runterladen}} **SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 11/1994:** [Grafik: 70% Sound: 82% Gesamt: 74%] \\ // Trotz enormer grafischer Einbußen gegenüber der PC-Version sollte sich kein Star Wars-Fan den Silberling für´s Mega CD entgehen lassen. Atmosphäre pur und eine intelligente Steuerung überdecken das optische Manko relativ schnell.// \\ {{mcd_rebel_assault_cd_segamag.zip|kompletten Artikel runterladen}} ^Files^ - ^Codes^ - ^Kommentare^ //I wish I had played this game before I played Rebel Assault II on my Playstation, because these low-quality graphics are almost too much to bear. Rebel Assault is one of those annoying games where you spend most of the time watching video. Many of the clips are taken directly from the Star Wars films, although they are severely pixilated (due to the Sega CD's limited color palette). The new footage tends to be awful - almost comical. In some cases, they superimposed moving lips and eyes over stiff faces, and the effect is unconvincing at best; downright creepy at worst. At least the video segments extend across the full screen - a rarity for the Sega CD. Rebel Assault's audio really shocked me. The music is far from CD quality, and the digitized sound effects are rough. The stages include Tie fighter shooting, navigating an asteroid field, mounting an attack run on a Star Destroyer, and taking down an Imperial Walker. There are also a few crude stormtrooper shootout stages, but your character looks like a woman for some reason. The space shooting stages are best (easiest to tolerate), where you aim at obvious targets and have very limited range of movement. You have no control over your general direction, and waiting for your ship to turn around (for another run) takes forever. The worst stages are those where you must navigate a ship through confined areas (like a desert canyon). The steering controls are extremely unresponsive, and determining your position from the pixilated graphics is difficult. Rebel Assault could have gotten by on graphics alone in 1993, but it hasn't aged well. I didn't enjoy playing this at all.// www.videogamecritic.net //You play a Rebel space cadet and have various missions to complete: Flying starships, destroying Walkers, infiltrating an enemy base etc. All viewpoints and gameplay is through the use of motion video backdrops.// www.Mobygames.com //Your chance to be someone who isn't Luke Skywalker (honest) take on the Empire. The opening levels are slow, concentrating on flight training at the rebel base, but a password system means that you only have to get through them once. Levels vary between space battles, surface fights and on-foot sections, adding some variety. The graphics are perhaps a little rough, but you can always see what's happening. Cut scenes are a mixture of sections from the film and new footage to provide a background story, and look surprisingly good - but are sadly unskippable. The sound is, of course, excellent, from the opening theme, through the speech both in cut-scenes and the game, to X-Wing lasers sounding exactly as they should. A challenging and enjoyable game that is quite easy to find.// www.sega-mega-cd-library.co.uk ---- {{mega-cd:mcd_rebel_assault_cd_bb.jpg?410}} {{mega-cd:mcd_rebel_assault_cd_aa.jpg?410}} \\ ----