Developer & Publisher: Software Toolworks / Mindscape Part Number: T-158025-50 Release: 1994 Genre: Strategie Player: 2 Level: - Language: Englisch Value: ~25€ Scarcity: 5

Vor langer Zeit wurde Millionen von Lichtjahren entfernt eine große Schlacht zwischen Gut und Böse ausgetragen. Jetzt können Sie die Kämpfe der Star-Wars-Helden in einem der ältesten Spiele der Welt in verblüffend perfekter 3D-Animation hautnah miterleben.

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, a great battle of good and evil was fought. Now you can relive the struggles of the courageous characters from teh Star Wars saga in one of the world's oldest games, brought to life in brilliant 3-D animation.








Your chance to take on the Empire with the might of your… chess? Animated set pieces kick in for each combination of pieces taking each other (though there is only one animation per pair) which can be skipped or turned off totally. The board is well rendered but crowded and difficult to read in the early game, and it can be necessary to switch to the 2D view to see exactly what's going on. It has renditions of the John Williams score, all the characters and sound effects you'd expect, but at the end of the day, it's still a game of chess, and for that reason, either you'll play it or you won't - a Star Wars setting isn't going to change that. Understandably low sales make this title quite rare but less well sought after and so reasonably cheap.

mcd_star_wars_chess_cd_bb.jpg mcd_star_wars_chess_cd_aa.jpg

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