Helfen Sie der Shining Force bei ihrem tapferen Kampf gegen den machthungrigen König Iom und seine Invasions-Armee. Spielen Sie bis zu 12 Charaktere aus über 20 einzigartigen Klassen und sehen Sie, wie Ihre Kämpfer stärker und mächtiger werden. Diese CD bietet das Beste der Shining Force-Serie in vier kompletten Abenteuern mit über fünfzig Kämpfern.

Join the Shining Force in their valiant struggle to defeat the power-mad King Iom and his invading army. Play up to 12 characters from over 20 unique classes as they grow in strength and ability. This CD combines the best of the Shining Force series into four complete adventures with over fifty battles!



SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 7/1995: [Grafik: 75% Sound: 81% Gesamt: 85%]
Die Entwickler haben das geniale Spielprinzip leider auf ein bloßes Strategie-Game reduziert, also vollkommen auf die Rollenspiel-Elemente in Form von Dialogen und Rätseln verzichtet. Dadurch ist der Silberling nicht so atmosphärisch dicht und abwechslungsreich wie die beiden MD-Versionen. Auf der anderen Seite ist SF CD allerdings das bisher umfangreichste Abenteuer und bietet zudem eine tolle Musikuntermalung.
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GAMERS Ausgabe 7/1995: [Grafik: 2 Sound: 2+ Gesamt: 2]
Optik, Steuerung und Menüs entsprechen im wesentlichen den bewährten Kontrollen des zweiten Modulteils, allerdings kann man nun auch ausgewählte Figuren automatisch agieren lassen. […] Wie nicht anders zu erwarten, klingt der orchestrale Soundtrak von der CD hervorragend, die übrigen Effekte sind jedoch schon altbekannt. Trotz fehlender Innovationen ist „Shining Force CD“ eine gelungene Ergänzung der Saga: Selbst alte Shining Force-Hasen erleben in den recht unterschiedlichen Szenarien noch die eine oder andere Überraschung, etwa Kämpfe, bei denen keine Magie eingesetzt werden kann oder die plötzliche Aufteilung der Party in 2 Trupps.
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This is a compilation of two strategy RPG titles from Shining Force titles: Shining Force Gaiden (the original version released in Japan only), and its sequel, known outside of Japan as Shining Force II: The Sword of Hajya, both for GameGear. In those games you control Nick, the Prince of Cypress. In the first game his task is to rescue Arni, the princess of Gardiana; in the second game, he has to conquer his kingdom back, that was captured by the evil empire of Iom. The re-release includes re-mastered graphics and higher quality music.

Shining Force CD is actually two full games (books) in one. Both books have the same story line as the matching Game Gear versions. However, only one of the two books was released for the American Game Gear. Anyway, Shining Force CD remains true to the series with emphasis on hex turn based battles. Of course, there's some talking, searching, and shopping to spice things up. The Runefaust army is on the loose again so you must lead the Cypress and Gardiana forces to retain control of the Sword of Hajya… […] The control scheme is unchanged (thankfully)… I mean, why change a good thing? Everything you do is menu driven and easy to perform. As in the previous iterations, the game follows a linear story line so getting lost isn't a problem. Basically, you have to buy weapons and listen to the story in camp. Then, you go into strategic battle(s) which you must win in order to advance. Part of the challenge is trying to keep all your force at about the same level – that way, nobody falls behind. Shining Force CD's soundtrack is hands down the best of the 16 bit series. It's filled with inspiring orchestral masterpieces, albeit a little repetitive. Anyway, I own the soundtrack and listen to it often. The sound effects are the best in the series as well. They are basically the same as their cartridge cousins, only now they sound even better thanks to the advanced Sega CD sound capabilities. Command up to 12 characters in massive turn based battles with magic galore! Find hidden characters throughout more than 50 battles which will take you many hours to complete. Simply said, Shining Force CD is the best 16 bit strategy/RPG you can find!

Sega's wonderful Shining Force series makes it onto the Mega-CD in a truly vast RPG. The game is comprised of three adventures, and you can jump in to either of the first two (through the second follows on from the first) from the outset, but both must be completed to open up the third. Naturally the adventures play much like the cart games - tactical turn-based battles with bits of storytelling in the middle. Whilst this gets rid of the sometimes annoying random battle element found in the likes of Phantasy Star and Final Fantasy, it does mean you're led by the nose through the story and locations more than you might expect. The battles themselves are wonderfully crafted, with a simple interface that hides the underlying complexity and makes it easy to execute your plan. Both your team and the assorted enemies have different move and attack ranges along with the usual ratings for speed, strength defence etc., all of which depend on the class they are in and increase as you level up. Four difficulty levels cater for everyone from novices to hardened veterans, and while your characters quickly begin to grow if you use them in battle, it is easy to forget to use one or two characters often enough and suddenly find them too weak to have any real impact and so falling further behind. Combined with the absence of an easy levelling treadmill, this means that you not only have to be careful how you fight, but which characters you use and when. Having said that, it's entirely possible to play through the game without ever visiting the stat screens and have incredible fun whilst doing so - all it takes is a bit of common sense to realise that you shouldn't put your Monk and Mage in the front line as they're not as tough as your Knights and Swordsman. Like most RPGs the graphics aren't earth shattering but they are crisp, clear and well animated, and it's easy to differentiate each member of your team and all the enemy types on the overhead view. Sound effects are also spot on, somehow never becoming annoying given the number of times you hear them, and CD audio music is present and correct. Reading back what I've just written above I worry that I've made the game sound incredibly complex and hardcore - it isn't. Don't let the thick manual put you off giving this a try. It was one of the Shining Force cartridge games that started me on RPGs and they still stand up today. One piece of advice though - if you want to keep more than one save play on an emulator or hunt down one of the super rare RAM cartridges. Much like Sonic CD and Snatcher, demand for Shining Force CD keeps prices above what would normally be expected for a reasonably common game - expect to pay at least £30 for the privilege - but every penny is well spent.

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