AUTHOR: Sony RELEASE: 1993 TYP: FMV Action SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 5 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 10€

Ein epochemachendes neues Mega CD Action-Abenteuer mit richtigen Schauspielern. Die Grafik ist eine Augenweide, der Sound ein Ohrenschmaus. Begleite den Abwasserkanal-Jockey Ghost auf seinen waghalsigen Reisen durch das Labyrinth unterirdischer Tunnels, in denen es von Ratten wimmelt. Befolge die Fluginstruktionen von Deinem Navigationsdroiden, vernichte das Ungeziefer und sorge dafür, daß Du das Tageslicht wieder zu Gesicht bekommst!

A revolutionary new Mega CD action-adventure featuring live-actors, incredible graphics and awesome sound. Team up with ace sewer jockey Ghost to transport vital supplies via the labyrinth of rat-infested tunnels. Follow flight instructions from your navigational droid, fry the vermin, and pray you get to see the sunshine again.


SEGA Pro Ausgabe 7/1993: [Grafik: 82% Sound: 70% Gesamt: 75%]
Tolle Atmosphäre, aber spielerisch dürftig. […] Sewer Shark ist ein nettes Spiel, das die Möglichkeiten des CDs zumindest andeutungsweise nutzt.
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GAMERS Special Ausgabe 1/1994: [Grafik: 4- Sound: 4- Gesamt: 5]
Ein Machwerk, das die neue Technik nicht wert ist. Schlecht digitalisierte Szenen, wenige Farben, null Spaß!
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Mega Fun Ausgabe 1/1994: [Grafik: 75% Sound: 72% Gesamt: 63%]
Sonys Sewer Shark geht weg von den auf lange Sicht demotivierenden Reaktionstests, die nur dazu dienlich sind, einen vorgefertigten Film am laufen zu halten. Vielmehr wurden viele Segmente eines Filmes zerpflückt und je nach Spielverhalten aneinandergefügt. […] Sewer Shark ist reine Geschmackssache. Man sollte sich jedoch nicht von den Filmgrafiken beeindrucken lassen, sondern auch erkennen, was übrigbleibt, wenn man sich die Digi-Bilder und -Sounds mal wegdenkt: Ein eigentlich stupides Ballerspiel.






Sewer Shark is an FMV-based shooter, and one of the first games released for the Sega CD. You move a crosshair around the screen and shoot targets. Occasionally, you can also choose to change directions at fixed points. Of course the real attraction in a game like this is the story. In the future, maybe in the year 2000, people will be forced to move underground and live in tunnels. Unfortunately, these tunnels are infested with mutated rat / alligator creatures known as „ratigators.“ You are pilot of a Sewer Shark, a craft designed to navigate the Sewers and rid them of ratigators. It's a dangerous job, but if you clear out enough vermin you can win a one-way trip to Solar City and sunny beaches. www.Mobygames.com

Sewer Shark was Tom Zito's second game (Night Trap was the first), funded by Hasbro Interactive for a console named Nemo that was never released. After it was made in 1987 it was placed into storage until game technology progressed to the point where it could be released. As a new Sewer Jockey, it's straight in at the deep end, tasked with cleaning up the sewers. You have two companions on your journey - the automated robot „Catfish“ who travels ahead of you opening tunnels and sending you directions, and your co-pilot „Ghost“, who doesn't actually appear to do anything other than make disparaging remarks and get on your nerves like you wouldn't believe. […] An early game or not, the FMV is good - very good, even considering that Digital Pictures specialised in the technology. The view through the cockpit of your craft allows the game to use quite a small window for showing the footage and get away with it. The 2D sprites of the sewer's inhabitants are a little flat and badly scaled, but the pace of the game means you don't really notice. Sound is good and even the acting is passable by video game standards. Sewer Shark was an excellent showcase early in the Mega-CD's life, and has that „wow“ factor that would pique your interest if you saw it running in a game store. However, the lack of any real feeling of progression through the game, combined with a lack of „just one more go“ when you're not quite sure what went wrong last time, means that it's difficult to stick with it through to the end. www.sega-mega-cd-library.co.uk

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