---- ^[[mega-cd:s|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE S]]^ {{mega-cd:logo_samurai_shodown_b.gif}} ---- **AUTHOR: ** SNK / JVC **RELEASE:** 1995 **TYP:** [[mcd:Beat'em Up|Beat'em Up]] **SPIELER:** 2 **LEVEL:** 12 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **WERT:** ?€ ---- Samurai Shodown - das absolute Muß unter den Kampfspielen. Erleben Sie einzigartige Action auf Knopfdruck: Giftwolken, Teleportierung, Flammenwirbel und vieles mehr - schlagen Sie Ihre Gegner mit all den Kampfmitteln, die dieses Spiel zum Superrenner gemacht haben. Nur wenn Sie die notwendigen Schwerthiebe und Schläge beherrschen, können Sie im Duell gegen den großen Meister, den gefürchteten Amakusa, bestehen. Treten Sie gegen Ihre Freunde an, und kämpfen Sie in der Rolle des großen Meisters. Lange haben Sie auf ein echtes Kampfspiel wie dieses gewartet. Jetzt geht´s endlich richtig zur Sache! Samurai Shodown - a landmark in fighting games, without a trip to the arcade. All of the special moves that made this game a monster hit are included: poison clouds, teleportation and flaming swords are only a few of the moves available to you as you slash and slice your way to the fiendish Amakusa. Choose to play against a friend, and Amakusa is now a playable character! The wait for a serious fighting game is over, let the duel begin! {{mega-cd:klein_samurai_shodown_01.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_samurai_shodown_02.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_samurai_shodown_03.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_samurai_shodown_04.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_samurai_shodown_10.gif?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_samurai_shodown_06.jpg?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_samurai_shodown_07.jpg?200}} {{mega-cd:klein_samurai_shodown_09.jpg?200}} ---- ^Presse^ **SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 2/1996:** [Grafik: 76% Sound: 77% Gesamt: 79%] \\ // Nach wie vor ein spannendes Beat´em Up, jedoch ohne große Unterschiede gegenüber der modularen Version.// \\ {{mcd_samurai_shodown_segamag.zip|kompletten Artikel runterladen}} ^Files^ - ^Codes^ - ^Kommentare^ //In early Japan, a man named Shiro Tokisada Amakusa preaches a heretic religion. Little does anyone know that Amakusa is really a servant of the evil Ambrosia, who took over Amakusa's body. Ambrosia wishes to shroud the world in darkness. Now, choose between 12 warriors (and 3 bonus characters) to fight for the honor of destroying Amakusa, and fulfilling a mission.// www.Mobygames.com //This is a step up from the lame Genesis version, but it's still not very good. Samurai Shodown is a 2D fighter along the lines of Street Fighter 2, only the fighters have weapons. The imaginative characters are the one thing I like about this game. The graphics are improved slightly over the Genesis version, but are still light years behind the superior 3DO version. As you would expect from a CD game, the music and sound effects are pretty decent, but the action is sluggish, which greatly diminishes the fun. But the biggest letdown is the fact that the game's trademark scaling was NOT implemented in this version. What happened? I thought the Sega CD was capable of that! Instead of scaling, we just get long load times. This fighter didn't do much for me.// www.videogamecritic.net //Almost as rare as SNK's other title Fatal Fury Special, this NeoGeo conversion is incredibly elusive with the price generally £75 or more. Continental Europe seems to be the best place to hunt down a copy.// www.sega-mega-cd-library.co.uk ---- {{mega-cd:mcd_samurai_shodown_bb.jpg?410}} {{mega-cd:mcd_samurai_shodown_aa.jpg?410}} \\ ----