AUTHOR: Compile RELEASE: 1993 TYP: Shoot'em up SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 11 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 33€

Eine Gruppe mächtiger Kriegsherren plant, Ihren Lord, Nobunaga, zu vernichten. Nun liegt es an Ihnen und Robo Aleste, dies zu verhindern!

An alliance of powerful warlords is plotting to destroy your lord, Nobunaga. It's up to you and Robo Aleste to stop them!


GAMERS Special Ausgabe 1/1994: [Grafik: 3+ Sound: 3- Gesamt: 3+]
Alle Fans des Modul-Klassikers werden bitter enttäuscht sein: Wenig ist geblieben von der Brillianz der Grafiken und der Spielbarkeit. Noch nicht einmal der Sound kann sonderlich überzeugen: Müde dudeln simpelste Pop-Tracks von der CD - unpassender hätte man das Spiel nicht vertonen können. Was bleibt, ist ein durchschnittliches Ballerspiel mit einigen wenigen und kurzen Höhepunkten. Das Mega-CD wird mal wieder in keinster Weise genutzt.
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Overhead Shooter based in Japan. The bloodthirsty Chugoko Warlords of the west have ruled and ravaged the once-supreme Oda Clan. Time to get your revenge. This is an overhead shooter with large bosses and massive power-ups.

Here's a CD game without any full motion video, just old-fashioned vertical shooting action, and it's very enjoyable. A lengthy animated intro tells a tale of ancient Japanese conflict, revealing that giant robots were once used to battle between clans. Whatever. It's all overblown and drawn out, so just hit a button and get on with it! This beautiful looking shooter has high-resolution graphics and fast, frantic action. Your robot flies over innovative ancient Japanese scenery including burning villages and massive armies. The enemies and bosses are varied, but most look Samurai-inspired. The Sega CD's scaling capability is used effectively to drop new enemies onto the screen. There are a nice variety of weapons, and each can be powered-up to multiple levels. CD-quality music and crisp sound effects also contribute to the fun. Robo Aleste is tough, but thanks to a continue option, you'll keep coming back for more. It's hard to find any flaws in this one.

You've looked at the screenshots and already decided if this is one for you. After an intro which makes a passable attempt at explaining why you're flying an 8-metre tall laser-equipped robot in the year 1556 you're plunged into the standard you against 18,347,256 enemies battle for survival. Much like Lords of Thunder there's nothing spectacular or different here, simply a very good example of the genre. Pickups and power-ups are plentiful, with four different coloured upgrades for your shield vehicles that can be stacked to increase fire power, though if you pick up one of the wrong colour you're bumped back down to the lowest level of the weapon it relates to. Eight different speed settings allow you to adjust the manoeuvrability of Aleste during the game to reach your preferred balance between responsiveness and controllability. The usual frustration is present - once you die your killing machine with it's quarter-screen wide laser beam is reduced to a fraction of its former self and whatever killed you the first time does so over and over again. There are unlimited continues available once you clear the first level, but no use is made of the Mega-CD's backup RAM, so once you turn the console off (or even start a new game from level one) this option disappears. A good, solid and very challenging game but nothing exceptional - one for fans of 2D shooters but unlikely to convert anyone else.

mcd_robo_aleste_cd_bb.jpg mcd_robo_aleste_cd_aa.jpg

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