AUTHOR: Psygnosis / Traveller's Tales RELEASE: 1993 TYP: Jump & Run SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 15 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 15€

Puggsy ist kein gewöhnliches Spiel: Mit dem genialen System der Totalen Objektinteraktion (TOI) führst Du Puggsy auf der Suche nach seinem gestohlenen Raumschiff durch verzwickteste Puzzles und atemberaubende Arcadeaction. Mit völlig neuen Grafiktechniken, fantastischem Spielspaß und einem vollständigen Juniorabenteuer für die jüngeren Spieler ist Puggsy auf dem besten Weg, der nächste internationale Tophit zu werden.

Nerd ain't the word. It's one thing losing your way in the back yard of your own star system, it's entirely another losing a whole spacecraft on an alien planet. But that's just what Puggsy's done. Big mistake! So now Puggsy's in it up to his neck. And that's serious when you haven't got one! What follows is a desperately hilarious and daring adventure across Skull Island with the most unlikely hero yet to grace your Sega CD screen. Puggsy, galactic hero, star system cruiser and all-round interstellar hunk will Blitz your Braincells, Energise your Eyeballs and Storm your Sega from dawn 'till dusk.


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 5/1994: [Grafik: 86% Sound: 82% Gesamt: 83%]
Psygnosis´ Jump & Think-Spiel in seiner schönsten Form. […] Der Däumling darf sich nämlich diesmal noch auf ein paar zusätzliche Zwischengegner freuen. Außerdem bietet die CD-Version als letzten Bonbon noch viele Zwischensequenzen, die zeigen, was in der Zwischenzeit mit eurem Raumschiff passiert.
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Puggsy is a platform game with a combination of action and puzzle-solving elements. You control the the creature Puggsy, who has crash landed on an alien planet and had his spaceship stolen. Your goal is find the spaceship so you can get off the planet and return home. To do this, you will need to make your way from the start to the exit of numerous levels which take place in a variety of environments. Throughout each level are a variety of objects which you can pick up; on many of the levels you will need to figure out how to use the objects available to you in order to reach the exit. Some objects can used (like a gun or keys), and objects may be thrown, moved around and stacked. Of course, each level will also have a variety of bad guys wandering about which will cost Puggsy one of his lives if he's caught. On your quest there will also be six evil guardians which will need to be defeated before you get your spaceship back! www.Mobygames.com

Help the eponymous hero return to his home planet by exploring the island and finding his ship. The game is mostly comprised of puzzle levels where interaction with various objects whilst avoiding enemies is key to opening the exit. These objects such as barrels and coins show physics which are now common but were novel at the time - when dropped items will roll down hills and disturb any others they run into, with the pace varying according to how quickly Puggsy is moving at the time and the weight of the object. The puzzle sections are separated by „guardians“ - platform style bosses - which separate the island into areas and must be defeated in to progress. A few cartoon-style film segments and CD music, along with the obligatory extended introduction are enhancements over the cartridge version. This game comes in the US-style big box. www.sega-mega-cd-library.co.uk

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