AUTHOR: SEGA / Digital Pictures RELEASE: 1993 TYP: Adventure SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Engl. / Fr. WERT: 25€ / 40€

Night Trap ist der erste CD-Titel mit kontinuierlichen, voll bewegten Videobildern und Audiobegleitung. Das Spiel läuft ab wie ein Kinofilm und bietet Stunden mitreißender Unterhaltung.

Night Trap is the first CD title with continuous full-motion video and audio. It plays like a movie, with hours of awesome gameplay.




Dangerous Games Documentary:




Five girls go to a party to a nice house on a lakeside. Five girls disappear without a trace… Now another five girls go there, in order to spend the vacation with the Martins, the owners of the house, in particular with the lovely Ms. Martin. This time, you should not let them die a gruesome death! Because „nice people“ can sometimes turn out to be… yes, that's right - vampires. The whole house is full of traps, that are intended to catch the poor innocent girls, so that the vampires can suck their blood… ugh. Luckily, the brave adventurer is there in order to cease to be hunted and to become a hunter instead! Set the traps so that they will capture the villains themselves, using precise timing and good organization. „Night Trap“ was the very first game that used the FMV (full-motion video) technology with live actors. Although it didn't contain nudity or particularly gory scenes, it was considered one of the first games to have a mature content.

If you know what a Mega-CD is, you know about Night Trap. An FMV game starring Dana Plato (Diff'rent Strokes) and a bunch of men in black tracksuits and balaclavas which mostly involves watching the film clips and pushing a button every minute or two, Night Trap generally leaves the player wondering what all the fuss was about. The game's popularity (or should that be notoriety) makes this title quite expensive for one so easy to find. A French translation was released, followed by an enhanced (and much rarer) 32X version in 1995.

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