AUTHOR: Midway / Acclaim RELEASE: 1994 TYP: Sport SPIELER: 4 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 6€

Jetzt gibt es das ultimative NBA JAM auch auf Mega CD! DU steuerst die Superbewegungen, die wahnsinnigen Blocks und das irre Dunking der heißesten Basketballer! Aktualisierte Spieler-Listen - mit völlig neuen Stars wie Hardaway, Webber, Mashburn, C. Robinson, Rider und Sprewell. Atemberaubende Korbleger - Cannonball, Tomahawk, Helicopter und viele mehr.

The ultimate arcade JAM comes home on Mega CD! YOU control the super moves, amazing blocks and awesome slam dunks of the NBA's hottest stars! Updated roster - all new stars like Webber, Hardway, Mashburn, C. Robinson, Rider and Sprewell. Sky-walking slams - Cannonball, Tomahawk, Helicopter and more.








I know what many of you are thinking; „Glenn, you're right, NBA Jam is amazing. Buy why should I purchase it for Sega CD? What's the difference between the cart and the CD version?“ Well I'm glad you asked. And you will be too, because in this case, Iguana Entertainment did NOT take NBA Jam to the next level with this CD release. One of the things I always loved about NBA Jam was the ability to toss out some quick trash talk, challenge my buddy to a game, and take it to `em on the court all within a matter of minutes. Well if you're into talking trash then this game is defiantly right up your alley. You'll have plenty of time to discuss your precision passing, your dominating defense, your oppressive offense, your last vacation, your favorite book, as well as your opinion on global warming, thanks to the horrendous loading times. From booting up, to starting a game, to announcing the teams that are playing, to advancing through half-time (and loading the video), this game will leave you with time to kill. So bring a book… or three. In the graphics department the game looks and feels exactly like the cartridge-based version, so much so that if you had both of them running side by side, there would be no difference whatsoever, except during half time. Here Iguana did take the time to incorporate some full motion video clips of NBA players driving the ball to the hole, followed by your first half stats. The video of course is a little grainy; however it is a noble effort nonetheless. Although no real graphical improvements were added, at least they did not tamper with a classic and render it an eyesore in the NBA Jam family. Iguana did have one slam dunk with this port of a classic, and that is in the audio department. When I placed this disc in my CDX the first thing I noticed was the music in the opening, a simply awesome theme that gets you pumped up and ready to hit the court. New music was also added during the games that is lively, catchy, and actually makes the game itself more fun to play, something that is hard to do with a classic such as this. I pride myself on my defense. Ok, so maybe I pride myself more on the physical act of shoving my opponents face into the floor, but I take pride in it nevertheless. Defense is something that should be practiced well in this version, as I found the A.I. hitting shots from half court a little more than normal. Sometimes the A.I. will line itself up from half court, or even further, and simply shoot the ball as normal and make a perfect three (and not just in the last seconds of the period). If you hear those fateful words „ugly shot!“ you can be almost certain that „it's good!“ will find its way into your ears shortly. NBA Jam has always been a game that was a blast to play. Whether you have the classic version, 32x port, Tournament Edition, or the Sega CD format, you are most certainly guaranteed to have a good time. The improvements in audio as well as the addition of video clips, while fairly good, detract from the game in the long run due to the loading times that they bring with them. If you have a little time on your hands then this game will not let you down whatsoever.

Most gamers will be familiar with NBA Jam's 2 Vs 2 arcade style basketball, and the Mega-CD release didn't deviate from the formula. For those unfamiliar with the series, it's a game of three minute quarters with no fouls (though there is still a shot clock), highest score at the end wins. Controls are kept simple with pass, shoot and turbo buttons, and thankfully there aren't huge numbers of combinations to remember either. Use of the turbo is limited by a quickly regenerating bar, and allows faster sprints, massively over the top slam dunks, harder blocks and quicker passes. Should any player score three consecutive unopposed baskets unlimited turbo is granted until the opposition scores or it fizzles out by itself over time. Players who are „on fire“ also gain a stat boost and are accompanied by plumes of smoke and flame, making shots from almost anywhere that incinerate the basketball net. If you're playing on your own your team-mate will be AI controlled, rather than you having to switch between the two. The computer does a pretty good job of making sure your partner is both where and when you need him, and you retain some vestige of control as you can insist they pass or shoot when you want. Likewise the opposition puts up a decent fight through the variable difficulty levels, and there's even an „elastic band“-type AI setting in the options to help a team that falls too far behind. Individual player stats do seem to make a difference to the player's abilities, and you do get to choose which half of the team you control before the match starts. Naturally the best way to enjoy the game is with at least one friend (either co-op or against each other), and NBA Jam supports the multitap for four player action. So is it any good? That really depends on what you're looking for. NBA Jam is fast-paced, end to end stuff - a combined tally of over 80 points in a 12 minute game isn't uncommon, and purists may be happier with the NBA Live series on cartridge. If you prefer something more intense, less realistic (and possibly more fun) then you won't go far wrong with this. Played side-by-side with the cartridge version of NBA Jam T.E. it's difficult to spot the difference. Naturally the music and speech are clearer, the graphics are perhaps a little bit cleaner, and the hyperactive commentator seems to have been toned down a bit, as well as having had his repertoire expanded by a few lines. Beyond that and a few new names and faces, there's no reason to replace your cartridge copy with the CD version, but if you don't have either then this one just edges preference.

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