AUTHOR: Sony / Traveller's Tales RELEASE: 1994 TYP: Jump & Run SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 23 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 20€

Die zeitlosen Abenteuer von Mickey Mouse. Ein Abenteuer in Technicolor mit den weltbekannten Figuren aus den legendären Walt-Disney-Studios und einer fast unbegrenzten Vilefalt an Spielmöglichkeiten. Modernste Scroll- und Rotationsverfahren lassen Dich durch das turbolente Leben des berühmtesten Trickfilmstars aller Zeiten wirbeln.

The timeless adventures of Mickey Mouse. Featuring characters created by the legendary Disney Studios, an all action technicolour tale incorporating a myriad of gameplay possibilities that will scroll, rotate and propel you through the magical career of the World's most famous cartoon star.


GAMERS Ausgabe 12/1994: [Grafik: 1- Sound: 2+ Gesamt: 2+]
Grafisch wurde kaum etwas ergänzt. […] Dreht Ihr aber die Lautstärke ein bißchen auf, merkt Ihr, daß am Sound stark gearbeitet wurde. Klangen die Melodien auf dem Mega Drive-Modul noch leicht eintönig, habt Ihr jetzt feinsten Disney-Sound. […] Somit macht das ohnehin schon gute Spiel noch mehr Spaß und hat sich unsere Auszeichnung „Gamers Star“ redlich verdient.
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Mega Fun Ausgabe 12/1994: [Grafik: 86% Sound: 79% Gesamt: 80%]
Wer keine innovativen Ideen, sondern ein bodenständiges Jump´n Run mit famos animierten Charakteren, detaillierten Hintergrundgrafiken und einem nicht zu hoch angesetzten Schwierigkeitsgrad erwartet, wird an Mickey Mania zweifellos Gefallen finden, Disney-Fans ohnehin, und für Kids ist dieses Spiel schlicht und einfach maßgeschneidert; eingefleischte Jump´n Run-Freaks hingegen werden etwas unterfordert.






Mickey Mouse gets a chance to go down memory lane and walk through the timeless adventures he has lived. Mickey Mania is a platformer where all the levels are based on Mickey's most famous cartoons. The levels range about 75 years, starting off with „Steamboat Willie“ and going all the way to „The Prince and the Pauper“. The gameplay consists mostly of jumping and marble throwing at enemies, with an occasional puzzle element.

Join Mickey Mouse in a game spanning 6 adventures from his cartoon career. The game kicks off with Steamboat Willie (1928), starting in a flickering black and white that is gradually colourised as you progress through the level. The remaining sections of the game use „The Mad Doctor“ (1933), „Moose Hunters“ (1937), „Lonesome Ghost“ (1933), „Mickey and the Beanstalk“ (1947) and „The Prince and the Pauper“ (1990) as inspiration. It's a bit disappointing no to see Fantasia in there in some respect, but then that movie has it's own (cartridge only) game. With the exception of the first and last levels there's a good chance that the you've never seen any of the cartoons in question, which detracts a little from the enjoyment of the „Timeless Adventures“. Most of the game is standard platform fare but Traveller's Tales have found a few ways to keep the player on their toes. One section sees Mickey running around the outside of a smoothly rotating tower, making his way up platforms against a rising lake of fire, whilst another sees him running into the screen (think The Lion King) to evade a pursuing Moose! Though the latter of these suffers from noticeably larger borders, they add variety to the standard left to right game and are well designed. Despite its children's roots this is not an easy game - you probably won't be finishing this one in one sitting. Whilst marbles to throw at your enemies are plentiful (hello, Castle of Illusion) most take two or three shots to despatch and energy pick-ups are scarce, and extra lives even more so. Levels need to be taken at a slow, thoughtful pace to avoid the large number of enemies and pitfalls and Mickey himself feels very slightly sluggish whilst being responsive enough to avoid severe frustration. The whole game is beautifully animated as you would expect from a Disney product, and the Mega-CD provides excellent music and samples & spot effects that the cart version lacks, making it the version of choice. That said, there's no extra levels or bonuses for Mega-CD owners beyond the better presentation. The Mega-CD didn't have that many platform games released for it, so it's just as well that this one is an absolute corker.

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