AUTHOR: SEGA / Novotrade RELEASE: 1993 TYP: Jump & Run SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 20 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 7€

Helfen Sie Ecco, dem Delphin, durch ein zauberhaftes Meeres-Ökosystem zu navigieren und seine seit langem vermißten Freunde wiederzufinden.

Help Ecco the dolphin navigate through a magical marine ecosystem, and find his long-lost friends.



SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 1/1993: [Grafik: 85% Sound: 91% Gesamt: 84%]
Sehr flüssige Animationen, sowie detaillierte Grafiken. Es fehlt nur etwas an Abwechslung. Der meditative Sound paßt optimal zum Geschehen und kommt in einer genialen Klangqualität rüber. Nach wie vor ein wahrhaft tolles, wie innovatives Spiel, das an der einen oder anderen Stellen einen Tick zu langatmig geraten ist.
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Travel through the time along with Ecco the dolphin, in the only game that could call itself a „dolphin simulator“. Indeed, you can do pretty much everything a typical dolphin does, including eating fishes, surface in order to breath, using your biological sonar and of course jump out of the water to amaze your friends. The storyline is actually deeper that one may think by looking at the box illustration. As Ecco, you are the only dolphin which managed to escape from the giant whirlpool who sucked down its entire pod. The five shining stars on your front show you are the chosen one to save them. But that task will be not be an easy one, as you will have to travel time and space with the Atlantean time machine, and meet the mystical Asterite in order to defeat the vortex queen. www.Mobygames.com

How do you describe a game like this, except for as unique. Guide Ecco around the seas solving puzzles and avoiding or stunning enemies to rescue his lost friends. Ecco can communicate with some of the sea creatures and large crystal-like glyphs to help him on his way. The animation is excellent, the CD-audio music fantastic and the slow (but never dull) pace makes the game relaxing to play. This game was also released in packaging with the later style covers, and then followed by the sequel Ecco - The Tides of Time. Although the box, manual and CD art differs, the game is identical. www.sega-mega-cd-library.co.uk

Ecco is a non-violent adventure where you solve puzzles and ultimately save the world (naturally) using a dolphin. In case it looks awfully familiar to you, that's probably because it's the exact same game as the Genesis version, only with enhanced audio and some full motion video clips. Okay, I'll admit that the new age background music is relaxing and suits the game perfectly. But then again, the music in the Genesis version wasn't bad either. Overall, it's difficult to justify the upgrade considering this CD version has loading periods that you don't have to put up with on the Genesis. It's still a fine game, but it doesn't appear that Sega made much of an effort here. www.videogamecritic.net

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