AUTHOR: Digital Pictures / SEGA RELEASE: 1994 TYP: Adventure SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: - SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 45€

Dieses geheimnisvolle Landhaus ist Eddies Reich, und er setzt alles daran, sein Geheimnis zu schützen. Sie können ihm helfen, die Eindringlinge zu schnappen. Aber passen Sie auf! Viele Dinge sind nicht das, wonach sie aussehen…

This weird mansion is Eddie's patch and he's out to protect its secrets. You can help him trap the intruders. But watch out! All is not what it seems.


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 3/1994: [Grafik: 75% Sound: 75% Gesamt: 72%]
Abgedreht und lustig, doch auf Dauer bleibt die Abwechslung etwas auf der Strecke.
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Mega Fun Ausgabe 3/1994: [Grafik: 79% Sound: 76% Gesamt: 65%]
Atmosphäre und Spielwitz sind das A und O des interaktiven Films. Double Switch ist mit einer der ersten Vertreter dieses Genres, der die Essenzen richtig dosiert hat. […] Der Spielwitz hält zwar nur so lange vor, bis der Fall ein- oder zweimal gelöst wird, doch das kann lange dauern und bis dahin wird man kaum die Finger von der CD lassen.






Double Switch is one of Digital Pictures' many full-motion video games from the mid 90s. In this „cinematic mystery“ you must watch your serveilance cameras in order to trap intruders in the Edward Arms mansion. Double Switch stars Corey Haim and Deborah Harry, and features a musical score by Thomas Dolby. www.Mobygames.com

The sequel to Night Trap in all but name, starring Corey Haim and Deborah Harry. There are now several traps per room that require priming - but prime too many and the power system will overload and reset them all. Once the FMV of an intruder kicks in you have to pause the game, figure out where the enemy is and which trap they are near, un-pause, move the cursor from the map to the traps, and prime and trigger the right one. Although the map shows enemy locations, sometimes there just isn't enough warning and this makes the game much harder than Night Trap, and consequentially more frustrating - it is possible to reach the „Game Over“ screen in less than 2 minutes of play. The FMV is perhaps of slightly higher quality, but the game isn't as enjoyable and due to the lack of teenage girls in negligees, it never achieved the same notoriety and success. www.sega-mega-cd-library.co.uk

Another entry into Sega's TruVideo productions, Double Switch is actually one of the better FMV games for the Sega CD. It's also the FMV game that I've spent the most time playing. This is due to how hard the gameplay is! Still, if you are looking for some very cheesy acting, something to laugh at, and a game that will keep you challenged for a long time, then Double Switch might be a CD worth looking for! Double Switch stars technical genius Eddie. He has been living in this ancient mansion which has recently been turned into an apartment building, so Eddie has quite a few friends to converse with. There are a few things that set this building apart from others. One, there is rumored to be a very sought after and very powerful treasure hidden somewhere in the building. Two, there are quite a few burglars that try to sneak in and steal things. Three, Eddie has devised a host of traps to take care of these thieves, but while working in the basement, Eddie became trapped, and his security controls were switched off! That's where you come in! The goal of the game is to stop the thieves, get Eddie out of the basement, and ultimately see if you can discover the secret of the mansion. […] Double Switch is a game that you are not going to beat in a night, nor is it a game that you'll likely beat within a week, and it will and probably take much longer than that. There is just far too much to do in terms of arming and disarming the traps that it really hampers the overall game; however, compared to other FMV games, it has a charmingly campy B-movie atmosphere, and there's a lot to laugh at, if you can find the time to listen to the characters. With the difficulty toned down, this could have been a potentially great FMV game, but as it stands, it's something that many gamers will just give up on in frustration. This is truly a concept that just wasn't switched on to its full potential. www.sega-16.com

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