AUTHOR: Core Design RELEASE: 1994 TYP: 3D Action SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 20+ SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 8€

Zwängen Sie Ihren optimierten Cyberkörper ins Cockpit Ihrer zweibeinigen, mit Zwillingskanonen versehenen, absolut tödlichen Kampfmaschine! Schießen Sie sich Ihren Weg durch mehr als 20 knallharte 3-D-Einsatzzonen - ein atemberaubendes taktisches Actionspektakel erwartet Sie!

Download your cyberformed body into the cockpit of your twin-legged, twin-cannoned, totally destructive war machine and blast your way through more than twenty 3D battle zones in this awesome action tactical shhot-em-up!


GAMERS Ausgabe 5/1994: [Grafik: 1- Sound: 1- Gesamt: 1-]
Action in technischer Perfektion, dazu fantastische Grafik und toller Sound von CD. Das Spiel rechtfertigt zwar nicht unbedingt den Kauf eines MCD, aber wenn Ihr das Ding sowieso schon besitzt, solltet Ihr euch Battlecorps unbedingt mal ansehen.
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SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 7/1994: [Grafik: 90% Sound: 91% Gesamt: 89%]
Das 3D-System wird immer besser. Abwechslungsreicher, bunter und mit mehr Special F/X. Der Maßstab auf Mega CD II. Battlecorps ist spielerisch langfristig motivierender als Thunderhawk. Action gepaart mit Taktik ergibt einen absoluten Knaller.
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Battlecorps is a giant-mech game that takes place on a mining planet known as Mandlebrot's World. The colony supercomputer has been infected with a virus, and now the planet's giant machines are turning against the people who created them. You must pilot your bipedal attack machine through 12 missions to reboot the computer. The graphics in this game use scaled and rotated sprites to achieve a 3D environment. The effect is similar to other Core Design games for the Sega CD. www.Mobygames.com

Big stompy robots are almost always fun and this is no exception. Choose from 3 characters with varying abilities and mount your mech to take on a slew of enemies over varying landscapes. Independent aiming control of the head (and weaponary) adds an extra layer and the ability to strafe if you can get your thumbs round it. Each robot is equipped with a variety of weapons, and recharge points scattered throughout the levels help keep you going. The radar and on-board computer are actually useful (and also gives the odd funny remark), and a direction arrow means you never get lost wandering through the expansive levels. Graphics are smooth but suffer from occasional enemy pop-up and the colour of your mech, shots and opponents changes between levels due to the system's limited colour palette. The rock music backing suits the game, effects are good and there's just enough synthesised speech to add atmosphere to the menus without becoming annoying. Using a 6-button pad makes the game easier to play, but control with 3 buttons is easy enough once you adjust to it. A demo CD containing the entire first level was given away with issue 11 of Mega Power, followed by a 2-in-1 demo CD which also contained a demo of SoulStar with issue 14 of Mega Power. In late 1995 the Battlecorps Paragon Publishing demo was supplied with issue 50 of Sega Pro CD. www.sega-mega-cd-library.co.uk

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