AUTHOR: SEGA / Malibu Games RELEASE: 1993 TYP: 3rd-Person Racing / Jump & Shoot SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 12 SPRACHE: Englisch WERT: 7€

Donnern Sie im Batmobile durh feindlichen Verkehr, rasen Sie im Batskiboat durch Abwasserkanäle, oder kämpfen Sie Mann gegen Mann mit Gothams Lumpenpack.

Blast through hostile traffic in the Batmobile, race through sewers in the Batskiboat, or take on Gotham's hoodlums one on one!


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 1/1993: [Grafik: 75% Sound: 84% Gesamt: 80%]
Laßt den Jump & Run-Teil links liegen und erlebt im Batmobil eine kleine technische wie auch spielerische Offenbarung.
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Frigid winter winds swept over an already chilled Gotham City. Random street crimes were running at an all-time high, despite the holidays. Down below, in the city's frozen sewers, Oswald Cobblepot, known as The Penguin, planned more mayhem and schemed the take over of the fightened metropolis. His loyal army of missle-packing Penguin Commandos and the bizarre Red Triangle Circus Gang are energized by the evil genius of the web-footed orphan. A desperate call to Batman goes up. Partner with Batman to salvage Gotham City from The Penguin's cold-hearted plot. Guide him in swift, life-like moves from dark alleys to rooftops in vivid scenes based on the hit movie, „Batman Returns.“ Control his combat style, and help conduct relentless interrogations of The Penguins many allies. Use the Batcave computer to input clues, analyze evidence, and review enemy bios. You're in charge of weapons, too. Stock Batman's Utility belt with enough heat to match the diverse fighting styles of The Penguin and cold-blooded, sewer-dwelling minions. Gotham City is in trouble. www.Mobygames.com

Batman Returns for the Sega CD is actually an enhanced version of the Genesis game, incorporating brand new audio, more elaborate cut-scenes, and impressive new driving stages. Is it worth the upgrade? Hells' yeah! These driving stages are no joke! Viewing the action from behind your Batmobile, the road smoothly undulates as enemy vehicles scale in from the distance. As you pound them with machine gun fire and guided missiles, they catch on fire before exploding into huge fireballs (daddy like!). The gothic scenery is terrific, and the „winter wonderland“ stage is ideal to play on a snowy night. Unfortunately, the driving stages nearly wear out their welcome early, as the first stage just drags on for entirely too long. The platform stages look and play identically to the Genesis version, except the audio has been completely redone. The sound effects are noticeably cleaner, and the surreal background music is much better. I was surprised what a big difference it made! You also get a nifty new option menu where you can adjust the game type (full, driving, or platform), skill level, controller settings, and more. The cinematic cut-scenes employ a lot of pixelated scaling effects, but they're still a trip to watch. Batman Returns is truly a „stand out“ game for the Sega CD. www.videogamecritic.net

Quite a good idea on paper - have the player drive to around Gotham City before leaving the Batmobile and tackling the criminals hand-to-hand to track down Catwoman and The Penguin. Sadly, only the idea was good. The driving sections are superb - smooth, fast, well animated and immensely playable. The platform sections, on the other hand, are dark, dreary and full of platform game sins - enemies appearing from nowhere, poor controls, invisible death traps and leaps of faith. Thankfully the game designers seem to have realised this, and there is the option to play both sets of sections, or only one. This game was followed by the much rarer 1995 sequel The Adventures of Batman and Robin, based on the cartoon series of the time. www.sega-mega-cd-library.co.uk

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