Kurz nach dem Anspringen des Nachbrenners wirst du tief in Deinen Sitz gedrückt. Es gilt nun: Du gegen den Feind. Nur ruhig, Du hast die Luftüberlegenheit - Deine F-14 Tomcat!

You're pressed back in your seat as the afterburner kicks in - it's you against the enemy, but you have the flying edge - your F-14 Tomcat!


SEGA Magazin Ausgabe 1/1993: [Grafik: 35% Sound: 72% Gesamt: 38%]
Da wurden Erinnerungen wach! Ich kann mich noch lebhaft erinnern, als ich in jungen Jahren die ersten Flüge mit dem Afterburner-Automaten absolvierte. Brilliante Grafiken und Hydraulik brachten mir einen Geschwindigkeitsrausch und ein Schleudertrauma ein, doch ich war glücklich und absolut fasziniert. Um so sehnsüchtiger erwartete ich die Mega CD-Version von meinem persönlichen Uralt-Klassiker. Ich hätte die CD besser nicht einlegen sollen, denn so wäre Afterburner eine Legende geblieben. Schwache Grafiken und langweilige Action zerstörten einen Lebenstraum.
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GAMERS Special Ausgabe 1/1994: [Grafik: 4- Sound: 2- Gesamt: 5+]
Simpel von der Flügelspitze bis zum Triebwerk. Schlechte Grafik und nicht vorhandenes Gameplay.
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The third in Sega's arcade flight sim series, After Burner III takes you back to the cockpit of the F-14 Tomcat in order to take on as many terrorist airplanes as you can with your arsenal of sidewinder missiles and your trusty vulcan cannon. A Sega CD exclusive, the title is actually a port of SEGA's arcade fight-sim „Strike Fighter“, a Japan-only arcade release that attempted to mix G-LOC's sim „lite“ gameplay with After Burner's arcade gimmicks. As such, the game features the ability to play both in the cockpit as well as in the classic third person perspective. Both night and day scenarios are now available, with mission objectives that include new air-ground strikes. Includes 3 gameplay modes: Arcade, Timed and „Hits“ which measures how many enemies you can shoot down in specific waves. No multiplayer support available.

The Mega-CD conversion of Sega's arcade hit isn't quite as pretty as the 32X cartridge version, and it's not the same without a flight stick and hydraulic cabinet. but the static shots here don't do this game justice. The scenery may be limited but it moves very smoothly and the unit's sprite rotation and scaling power is put to good use. Players can fly with a view behind the jet or in cockpit mode, which will pull back smoothly if an enemy approaches from the rear. Both ground and air targets are presented for attack, and the lack of fuel or ammunition limits makes this a pure arcade blast. Using a 6-button controller allows for a little extra control with the wing flaps for braking bound to the Z button. A couple of timed challenge modes add some variety.

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