
Developer & Publisher: Digital Pictures / Acclaim Part Number: T-16203F-50 Release: 1994 Genre: FMV Action Player: 1 Level: 12 Language: Englisch Value: ~40€ Scarcity: 5

Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie sind ein Kung-Fu Straßenkämpfer, der in einer Welt lebt, die von bösartigen Kriegsherren und Kultführern regiert wird - nur diesmal ist es Realität! 100%ig Real-Video! Gefilmt in Hong Kong! Ihre Gegner sind echte Meister des Kampfsports, kein Zeichentrick!

Let the battle begin! Imagine you are a kung-fu street fighter in a world ruled by evil warlords and cult masters - except this time… it's real. 100% real video, filmed on location in Hong Kong - 12 actual martial arts champions are your opponents, not cartoons!








Supreme Warrior is a full-motion video fighting game. The game, or interactive movie, is set in China hundreds of years ago. You are tasked with protecting half of a magical mask. The wearer of the mask will be granted untold power. Unfortunately, the villanous Wang Tu has the other half of the mask, and wants your half badly. So, you must fight off Wang Tu's minions, and eventually Wang Tu himself. The gameplay in Supreme Warrior consists of digitized video with interactive elements. At many points during the video, you can unleash a punch, kick, or block. If your timing is correct, you inflict damage on your opponent. If you timing is off, your opponent hurts you. www.Mobygames.com

The least impressive of the 32X updates. The video window is much larger, now making full use of the screen, and the status bars have been redesigened to better use the space. However, the video still struggles on occasion, with blurring and blocks of solid colour spoiling things. The 32X version is also as unresponsive as the original, making it prettier but no better to play. Supreme Warrior 32X supports the 6 button pad. Gameplay is no different from the normal Mega-CD version. www.sega-mega-cd-library.co.uk

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