---- ^[[games:Mega-CD 32X|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE Mega-CD 32X]]^ {{mega-cd32x:logo_night_trap_cd32x.gif}} ---- **Developer & Publisher: ** Digital Pictures / Acclaim **Part Number:** T-16202F-50 **Release:** 1995 **Genre:** FMV Action **Player:** 1 **Level:** - **Language:** Englisch **Value:** ~40€ **Scarcity:** 6 ---- Was wäre, wenn Du auf Deinen Lieblingsfilm einwirken könntest? Wenn Du an der Handlung beteiligt wärst? Wenn Du die Kontrolle über Leben und Tod hättest? "Night Trap", die neuartige CD-ROM, die Dich zur wichtigsten Figut in einem echten Film macht, sieht auf der MEGA 32X besser aus, als je zuvor. Vergiß die verzögerte Reaktionszeit, das Video mit kleinem Fenster, vergiß alles, was Du von anderen CD-ROMs erwarten kannst: DigiChrome und InstaSwitch bieten die heißesten Video-Bilder mit sofortiger Reaktionsfähigkeit. Das wird Deine Mega-CD zum Schreien bringen! What if you could control your favourite movie? Night Trap, the groundbreaking CD-ROM that makes you the most important character in a real movie, looks better than ever on your Mega-CD 32X. Forget the laggy response small window and jerky FMV you've come to expect from other CD-ROMs; DigiChromeTM and InstaSwitch® combine the hottest digital video images with instantaneous response. It makes your Mega-CD scream! {{mega-cd32x:klein_night_trap_cd32x_01.jpg?200}} {{mega-cd32x:klein_night_trap_cd32x_02.jpg?200}} {{mega-cd32x:klein_night_trap_cd32x_03.jpg?200}} {{mega-cd32x:klein_night_trap_cd32x_04.jpg?200}} ---- ^Presse^ - ^Files^ - ^Codes^ - ^Kommentare^ //Five girls go to a party to a nice house on a lakeside. Five girls disappear without a trace... Now another five girls go there, in order to spend the vacation with the Martins, the owners of the house, in particular with the lovely Ms. Martin. This time, you should not let them die a gruesome death! Because "nice people" can sometimes turn out to be... yes, that's right - vampires. The whole house is full of traps, that are intended to catch the poor innocent girls, so that the vampires can suck their blood... ugh. Luckily, the brave adventurer is there in order to cease to be hunted and to become a hunter instead! Set the traps so that they will capture the villains themselves, using precise timing and good organization. "Night Trap" was the very first game that used the FMV (full-motion video) technology with live actors. Although it didn't contain nudity or particularly gory scenes, it was considered one of the first games to have a mature content.// www.Mobygames.com //One of the four Mega-CD 32X title released by Digital Pictures Inc. (the only company to do so), this version of Night Trap has an improved interface with larger and higher quality FMV than the normal Mega-CD version. The back of the box sports the 6 button pad logo, but no reference to the extra buttons is made in the manual and the game doesn't respond to them. It probably wasn't worth buying a 32X at the time just to play this version, but if you do have both you'll enjoy this more than the original. Whilst I haven't viewed every second of footage on both versions, the only real difference seams to be in the intro sequence. The 32X version shares the same introduction as the 3DO and PC versions, with the commander holding a normal remote control and no mention made of the team being called "S.C.A.T." In the Mega-CD version he introduces the SCAT team and holds a Genesis pad (well, you see a pad and the hands of someone in combat clothing). The background set for the introduction on the normal MCD version also looks cheaper and it's very possible that the intro was re-filmed for the MCD version - bearing in mind that the console Night Trap was originally intended for was never released. Both introductions contain the same information and the differences have no bearing on the game mechanics or plot. Lastly, there have been rumours about a hidden piece of footage showing Dana Plato topless. In twelve years of hunting it's never been found - now stop it before you go blind.// www.sega-mega-cd-library.co.uk ---- {{mega-cd32x:mcd32x_night_trap_bb.jpg?410}} {{mega-cd32X:mcd32x_night_trap_aa.jpg?410}} \\ ----