Developer & Publisher: Digital Pictures / Acclaim Part Number: T-16201F-50 Release: 1995 Genre: FMV Action Player: 1 Level: - Language: Englisch Value: ~30€ Scarcity: 5

Man vergiftet Sie mit Voodoo-Gift, ein verrücktes Genie ist Ihnen auf der Spur, und hunderte von verfaulenden Toten wollen Ihre Gedärme anknabbern. Ihre einzige Hoffnung ist sie abzuknallen, aber naja, was nützt das schon? Sie sind ja schon tot!

You're dying of voodoo poison, a mad genius is on your trail and hundreds of rotting dead are coming to chew your guts. Your only hope is to blow 'em away. But hey, how tough can it be? They're already dead! 100% real motion video… with hundreds of zombie targets. Plot your survival strategy, choose your battles.

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Corpse Killer is a full-motion video shoot-'em up. You play as an elite special forces soldier, who parachutes onto a remote tropical island. It seems the evil genius Dr. Hellman has found a way to raise the dead, and created an island of zombies. It's up to you to shoot your way through the undead hordes and stop Dr. Hellman. The game is played from a first-person perspective. Various zombies pop up in front of a video background, and you shoot them down by moving a cursor on screen or by using a light gun.

A more widescreen view and slightly tidier status bars complement the overall cleaner video, though the zombies still look blocky and indistinct when up close. Corpse Killer 32X has the 6 button pad logo on the back of the box, but no reference to the extra buttons is made in the manual and the game doesn't respond to them. Gameplay is no different from the slightly rarer normal Mega-CD version.

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mega-cd32x/corpse_killer.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2012/01/26 01:33 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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