AUTHOR: Taito RELEASE: 1992 TYP: 3rd-Person Racing SPIELER: 1 LEVEL: 6 SPRACHE: Englisch Partnumber: 7079 EAN: 4974365634797 WERT: 25 Euro

Spannung mit voller Power, die sofort beginnt, wenn Sie sich hinter das Lenkrad setzen! Sie gehören zur Elite der Polizei, und Sie sind hinter Verbrechern her, die alles tun, um ihre bösen Pläne in die Tat umzusetzen. Sie haben die Tochter des Bürgermeisters entführt, und Sie sind ihre letzte Hoffnung!

This is high-powered excitement that starts just as soon as you get behind the wheel! You are the police force's finest, and you are up against criminals who are prepared to do anything to carry out their plans. They've kidnapped the Mayor's daughter, and you are her only hope!








You are the police force's finest and you are up against criminals who will stop at nothing to carry out their plans. They've kidnapped the mayor's daughter and its up to you to get her back with your high powered car and arsenal of weaponry to drive the bad guys off the road. An entry in Taito's „Chase H.Q.“ series, this game is known as „Chase H.Q. Special Criminal Investigations“ in some regions. The game was released in arcades in 1989 and was ported everywhere on to a plethora of home computers and consoles. The Master System's box art features a beautiful „Miami Vice“ style painting made in the way many action movie posters of the period were drawn. In each level of the game your goal is to intercept the bad guy's vehicle and force it off the road. First you have to race to it, avoiding obstacles such as landslides, roadworks, trees and cars driven by the associates of whoever you're after who try to ram you and all before the timer runs out. You are armed with a default weapon which can nudge cars out of the way but not destroy them. If you find you are losing to the clock then you can use one of three turbo boosts to make up the distance quickly. As you near the bad guy's vehicle a helicopter will swoop down and provide you with a weapon optimised for taking him out. You do have a limited number of shots with this weapon after which you revert to your default gun which requires you to get several hits on the bad guy's car before damage is registered on his meter. But if you really want to inflict some damage on him then ramming him is the way to go. Just make sure not to crash off the road or he will get away. […] Given how late this came out (1992) I would expect this to have been a lot better than it is. It looks and feels more like a Master System game from 1988/89 and while it does play well, it is just so unappealing to look at which leaves you wanting. A bit more effort on the art and graphics and I think this would have been a winner. As it is it's just a little unremarkable in the SMS library. If you are going to buy then you can get it cartridge-only for less than £5. If you want it complete-in-box then you are looking more in the £10-15 price range but I wouldn't pay any more than that for it. - SMStributes.co.uk