---- ^[[mastersystem:s|ZURÜCK ZUR KATEGORIE S]]^ \\ ---- **AUTHOR: ** SEGA **RELEASE:** 1991 **TYP:** [[mastersystem:Action]] **SPIELER:** 1 **LEVEL:** 4 **SPRACHE:** Englisch **Partnumber:** 9009 **EAN:** 4974365634681 **WERT:** 20 Euro ---- Eine gewalttätige Terroristengruppe versucht eine wichtige Weltraummission zu verhindern. Sie sind Takashi, der noble Ninja-Kämpfer, und müssen die Saboteure mit Ihren tödlichen Wurfsternen, Ihrem mächtigen Schwert und Ninjatsu-Magie aus dem Weg räumen. A violent terrorist group is trying to foil a crucial space mission. You, as Takashi, the noble Ninja warrior, attempt to take them out using your death stars, your mighty sword and Ninjutsu magic! ---- ^Presse^ - ^Files^ - ^Codes^ \\ **Level Select** \\ At the title screen, hold one of the following combinations on controller 2 and press any button on controller 1. \\ \\ ^ Kombination ^ Level ^ | Up + 1 | Level 1 Boss | | Right + 2 | Level 2 | | Right + 1 | Level 2 Boss | | Down + 2 | Level 3 | | Down + 1 | Level 3 Boss | | Left + 2 | Level 4 | | Left + 1 | Level 4 Boss | \\ ^Kommentare^ \\ //Shadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi is a Spin-off of Shinobi as you can see on the Subtitle. This Game was first released in 1990 at the Arcade and this is now the Master System Version. There is also a Version for the Genesis. The Story is simple. Some Terrorists have hijacked a Space shuttle and you are the One Man (plus dog) Army to stop them. This Game has 4 Levels and 2 different Bonus Games. After every Level you must fight the Boss. In every Level you must kill all the Enemies, some of them leave Bombs when they die, which you must collect. You can fight enemies with all the Weapons a Ninja has, throw Shurikens, fight them with a Katana or use your Special Magic. Also you have a Dog but he is not by your Side like in the Arcade or Genesis Version, you must call him and then he attacks. The Dog is pretty useless you must first 'load' the Dog, by pressing down and then release him. It takes just too much Time. Now to all the bad stuff and there is a lot of it: When you get hit, you die and you have only 3 Lives. I really miss an Energy meter like in Shinobi as the Game would be much easier with it. Also when you die you must play the whole Level again, even if you get killed 1 Meter before the Exit. So take the 'One hit and you're dead' thing, mix it with bad Controls and Enemies who are faster than you and you get a pretty frustrating Game. [...] If you like ninja Games go and buy Shinobi or Ninja Gaiden, both Games are way better.// - www.Mobygames.com ----