AUTHOR: SEGA RELEASE: 1989 TYP: Action SPIELER: 2 LEVEL: 6 SPRACHE: Englisch Partnumber: 7031 EAN: 4974365634315 WERT: 25 Euro
Die Erde wurde von außerirdischen Streitkräften angegriffen. Ihre Bewaffnung ist furchteinflößend und ihre Anzahl riesig. Um sie zu schlagen braucht man absolut furchtlose Kampfpiloten. Fühlen Sie sich der Aufgabe gewachsen?
The Earth has been attacked by extra-terrestrial forces. Their weaponry is fierce and their numbers are almost too great to count. It will take a couple of fearless fighter pilots to bring them to defeat. Feel up to the job?
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Sega's take on the 1943 style of vertically scrolling shoot 'em ups was set in the future. Your fighter plane is aged and under-powered, yet you must face down large planes, tanks and ground targets to achieve victory. Each level ends with a close-viewed section of particular intensity before finally facing a boss. Smart bombs are occasionally found lying around, and can destroy everything on the screen, although you can't use them on the bosses. A simultaneous 2-player mode is provided. -
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