AUTHOR: Tiertex RELEASE: 1992 TYP: Sport SPIELER: 4 LEVEL: 7 SPRACHE: Deutsch Partnumber: 27030-18 EAN: 5013442552643 WERT: 13 Euro

Barcelona 1992: Schauplatz der Olympischen Sommerspiele. Das Stadion ist bis auf den letzten Stehplatz gefüllt. Sportler aus aller Welt werden um die begehrten Medallien wetteifern. Und Sie sind dabei! Das Publikum jubelt, und Ihr Adrenalinspiegel steigt. Gleich beginnen die Wettkämpfe. Überbieten Sie olympische Bestleistungen oder triumphieren Sie mit einem neuen Weltrekord! Eine einmalige Gelegenheit…

Experience for yourself the thrill and excitement of competing in 7 spectacular Olympic track, field and pool events. Olympic Gold, the challenge - to win you'll need all the strength, skill and determination you can muster!








Olympic Gold is an officially licensed game for the Barcelona ’92 Olympic Games. It doesn’t really have a storyline, it’s just a collection of mini games, each one a different Olympic sporting event. None of the events would survive by itself, but altogether it can make for a fun multiplayer game. My earliest memories of this game were good ones. I remember playing it at my cousins’ house and enjoying it. Ah, good times. I’ve liked the game ever since. This game also has a choice of 8 different languages. Not too shabby. The game is made up 7 different sporting events. They include the 100m Sprint, Hammer Throw, Archery, 110m Hurdles, Pole Vault, Diving, and Swimming. They all vary and require you to do something different. Some of them require just button mashing and maybe odd use the directional pad, whereas some require a steady hand and accuracy with the directional pad. In the swimming event you are given the task of pacing and not depleting your energy bar before finishing. It’s harder than it sounds believe me. Most of the events are easy to learn but some require practice, so it’s handy that there’s a ‘Training Session’ available. You can also choose between the ‘Mini Olympics’, where you select what events you want to compete in or if you’re a real man, the ‘Full Olympics’, which include all of the events. You compete against either human or computer players and you’re objective is to finish as high as you can in each event and get the highest points tally. You can also aim to beat the World Records for each of the events (I can beat all of them but the Archery, that damn Kim Soo Nyung). […] This game looks good, sounds good and is fun to play. The varied events are interesting and challenging. I think it’s definitely a lot better than other similar games such as ‘Summer Games’. It’s pretty easy to pick up and play and is quite a common game to come by so if you haven’t played it, I recommend you give it a go. Definitely more fun with 4 players. - www.Mobygames.com